快好知 kuaihz订阅看过栏目






黑吃黑 Banshee (2013)

女牛仔与天使 Cowgirls n' Angels (2012)

纸杯蛋糕市长 Mayor Cupcake (2010)

对丑陋人物的简访 Brief Interviews with Hideous Men (2009)

断点 Breaking Point (2009)

傲骨贤妻 The Good Wife (2009)

吸血鬼助手 Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (2009)

亚当 Adam (2009)

热恋嘉年华 Splinterheads (2009)

爱情无限谱 Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (2008)

自售 For Sale by Owner (2008)

拜见布朗一家 Meet the Browns (2008)

蓝莓之夜 My Blueberry Nights (2007)

Premium (2006)

America Brown (2004)

信使 Messengers (2004)

支撑 Crutch (2004)

小姐好白 White Chicks (2004)

热血高速 Highwaymen (2004)

户外烤肉 The Cookout (2004)

大公司小老板 In Good Company (2004)

众神与将军 Gods and Generals (2003)

红龙 Red Dragon (2002)

火线 The Wire (2002)

做秀时刻 Showtime (2002)

圣诞好疯狂 Call Me Claus (2001)

命运的十三个交叉口 Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (2001)

Gina, an Actress, Age 29 (2001)

重返人间 Down to Earth (2001)

The Sleepy Time Gal (2001)

汉尼拔 Hannibal (2001)

神偷大话王 Where the Money Is (2000)

A Little Inside (1999)

极速杀阵 Oxygen (1999)

法律与秩序:特殊受害者 Law & Order: SVU (1999)

偷天游戏 The Thomas Crown Affair (1999)

相约到来生 Julian Po (1997)

Jaded (1996)

魔鬼交易 The Rich Man's Wife (1996)

白色鳄鱼 Albino Alligator (1996)

笨人一族 The Stupids (1996)

母亲之夜 Mother Night (1996)

海市蜃楼 The Langoliers (1995)

同居大作战 Roommates (1995)

我爱麻烦 I Love Trouble (1994)

横财就手 Money for Nothing (1993)

似是故人来 Sommersby (1993)

沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

希望之城 City of Hope (1991)

贝西的婚礼 Betsy's Wedding (1990)

为所应为 Do the Right Thing (1989)

密西西比在燃烧 Mississippi Burning (1988)

美国之旅 Coming to America (1988)

火魔战车 Maximum Overdrive (1986)

孽欲杀人夜 Manhunter (1986)

钱之坑 The Money Pit (1986)

死光 CHUD (1984)

歼灭者 Exterminator 2 (1984)

豹妹 Cat People (1982)

阴谋诡计 Hanky Panky (1982)

花花大丈夫 A Little Sex (1982)

拉格泰姆舞曲 Ragtime (1981)

长假漫漫 Permanent Vacation (1980)

李尔王 King Lear (1974)

我的孩子们 All My Children (1970)

只此一生 One Life to Live (1968)

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