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《千金》是由欧萱吕颂贤温岚 、戴阳天 、杜俊泽主演的电视剧,开机时间为2011年5月6日,杀青时间为2011年7月15日。 该剧讲述了一个大家庭千金的故事。


清朝末 年,北京安府为祖传的医药世家。 至安霁和与妻秦氏接掌时,因调配出能医治百病、延年益寿的妙方“还魂丹”,而在医界喧腾,引来各方争夺。安霁和死后一年,“还魂丹”因朝廷的征用引来家破人亡的浩劫,甚至殃及已经嫁出的女儿安天澜,令其夫婿不幸枉死,而刚怀身孕的她则辗转逃至江南生下不能说话的女儿方惜若。因为家族落魄,方惜若的成长受尽了折磨和刁难,十八年后,方惜若卷入复杂难解的感情纠葛,在历经了家族含冤灭门、母女寄居受虐、人生颠沛流离的重重磨难后,最终和心爱的人在一起,并诞下一名女儿,取名千金。并叫她成年之后回黄家报恩,千金一步步解开了自己的迷离身世,并将家族“还魂丹”的秘密最终揭开 。



  The Fourteen Princess is seriously ill. With a personal ulterior motive, eunuch Li Da Hai suggests to the Empress Dowager to summon the physicians from the An Family to treat the princess.十四格格病危,居心不良的太监李大海,故意向皇太后举荐,要她宣召京城济安堂的医师进宫为格格治病。


  On the run, a pregnant Tian Lan arrives in a southern town just as her baby is due. Unexpectedly, she meets Shou Yi, her childhood sweetheart, again on his wedding day.就将分娩的安天澜逃离京城,来到江南的小镇,刚巧遇上儿时情侣方守义,正要入赘黄家当其乘龙快婿。


  Tian Lan gives birth to a mute girl. In order to ensure that her baby will be well-treated by the Huang Family, Tian Lan wants Shou Yi to lie that she is his first wife.几经辛苦,天澜生下了一个哑女。为了确保孩子受到黄家的善待,天澜要求守义撒谎说她是其原配妻子。


  Despite being a well-behaved and obedient girl, Xi Ruo is often punished by Yue Na for one thing or another. Meantime Ling Mu Tian, Yue Na's ex-lover, returns from England with his family.虽然惜若生来乖巧听话,约娜还是看她不顺眼,时常借故打骂。与此同时,约娜的旧爱凌牧田,举家从英伦搬回家乡。


  Soon after his return, Ling Mu Tian opens a clinic to practise western medicine. To protect her business and past secrets, Yue Na meets up with Ling in private and demands that he closes his clinic and leaves town.回乡后不久,凌牧田就开了一间诊所行医。担心医馆的生意受影响,更害怕过去的疮疤被重新揭开,约娜遂私下约见凌,要他即刻关闭诊所,带其家眷离开溪城。


  Eight years later, the Ling family moves back from Shanghai. Ya Kun, who has completed his studies, also returns home with the serious intention of marrying Xi Ruo, after finding out that they are of different parentage.八年后,凌牧田又举家搬回溪城。刚在上海修完学业的亚坤,也兴冲冲地赶回家,打算向惜若求婚。因为他已事前托人调查清楚,他们两人其实并无血缘关系。


  Tian Lan decides to leave with Xi Ruo on suspicion that Jin Qian has disclosed the secret regarding her daughter's parentage. To stop them from leaving, Ya Kun confesses and asks to marry Xi Ruo.怀疑锦前已经泄漏了其女身世的秘密,天澜决定离开黄家。亚坤赶往阻止,坦诚曾经雇人调查,并恳求二妈把惜若许配给他。


  Still after the secret prescription, Li Da Hai pays a fortune-teller for information on the Huang and Ling families. Meantime, Shi Jin hatches a dreadful plot to harm Xi Ruo.一心一意要取得黄家的密方,李大海花钱让算命佬汇报有关黄凌两家的近况。与此同时,似锦密谋伤害惜若。


  Chao Yan rescues Xi Ruo from her kidnappers, but Ya Kun beats him up on assumption that he is the mastermind behind the kidnapping. Eventually Xi Ruo gets severely injured trying to stop the fight.超严从绑匪手里救出惜若,却遭亚坤一顿痛打,指他策划绑架,再假装救人。惜若企图平息混斗,结果自己却受了重伤。


  Xi Ruo continues to receive medical treatment from Chao Hua after the incident. Fearing that the two may fall for each other, their frequent association elicits a strong feeling of jealousy from Shi Jin and Ya Kun.事后,超华仍然继续为惜若治疗。这种情况令似锦和亚坤深感不安与嫉妒,恐怕两人经常在一块,会日久生情。


  Out of spite, Shi Jin secretly adds some harmful herbs into the soup being prepared by Xi Ruo. But the scheme backfires when Yue Na drinks it and slips into unconsciousness.积恨难消,似锦偷偷将一些苦杏仁放进惜若熬煮的汤药里,不料约娜在喝了它后,竞昏迷不醒。


  Tian Lan asks Chao Hua to take Xi Ruo away with him, for fear that her daughter will be blamed should Yue Na dies of food poisoning. But they are stopped from leaving the house by Ya Kun, pending further investigation.害怕约娜就此去世,而惜若将会无辜背负杀人的罪名,天澜唯有央求超华带走其女儿。但亚坤早已闻风赶来,不准他们离开黄家,以待查究。


  Yue Na meets with Mu Tian to discuss the marriage between Chao Hua and Shi Jin. To get Mu Tian to agree with the arrangement, Yue Na tells him the secret that Shi Jin is their child.约娜请牧田过府商谈超华与似锦的婚事。为了取得牧田的同意,约娜只好透露,似锦是他们的女儿的秘密。


  Ya Kun suspects that Tian Lan is planning a secret getaway. To avoid any unwelcome surprise, Yue Na decides to let Ya Kun marry Xi Ruo as soon as possible.亚坤怀疑二娘有意离开黄家。以防万一,约娜决定尽快让亚坤与惜若成亲。


  Yue Na wants Tian Lan to hand over her family's secret prescription or else she will never be able to see her daughter again. Meantime, Mu Tian forces Chao Hua to marry Shi Jin, revealing that she is his daughter.约娜要天澜交出秘方,否则将让她永远见不到其女儿。另一方面,牧田逼超华娶似锦,无奈透露似锦是他的女儿。


  Heartbroken because Xi Ruo has rejected him, Ya Kun decides to become a monk. Xi Po helps Tian Lan to escape while the Huang family is busy with the wedding preparations.惜若舍他而去,令亚坤伤心欲绝,决定出家当和尚。趁黄家忙着办喜事,喜婆偷偷协助天澜逃离黄家。


  Xi Po commits suicide when Yue Na insists on punishing her for helping Xi Ruo and her mother to escape. Meantime, Chao Yan is arrested by the authorities, leaving the heavily-pregnant Xi Ruo to fend for herself.约娜气喜婆暗中协助惜若和天澜逃走,于是对她施于家法以示惩戒,喜婆愤而撞墙自杀。另一方面,任职于报馆的超严突遭特务抓走,大腹便便的惜若顿失依靠。


  Chao Yua helps Xi Ruo to settle down when she returns to her hometown. But it is a devoted Ya Kun who sacrifices his life to save Xi Ruo when Yue Na engages someone to set fire to her house.惜若回返溪城,超华暗中给予照顾。约娜闻讯秘密派人放火烧屋,痴情的亚坤牺牲自己的性命,将惜若救出险境。


  Li Da Hai pays Fang Jin Qian a surprise visit, saying that he has decided to make Xi Town his home. Li Chuan Zong stubbornly refuses to return Ling Zhi Chu the medicines that he has robbed until Ling Qian Jin intervenes.李大海回返溪城定居,并特地登门拜访方锦前。李传宗执意不肯把劫来的药品归还给凌之初,凌千金挺身为之初说情。


  Qian Jin asks Zhi Chu to ke it a secret when he inadvertently discovers that she is a girl. Shi Jing intends to arrange for Zhi Chu to marry Xin Rui, but Chao Hua strongly objects the idea.之初无意中发现,千金原来是女儿身,但答应代为保守秘密。似锦有意让之初娶心蕊为妻,不料却遭超华强力反对。


  Qian Jin wishes to pay her gratitude to the Huangs for being kind to her family, but her arrival is received with suspicion. Meantime Li Chuan Zong returns to Xi Town to meet his grandfather.为遵照亡母的遗嘱,千金一心想回黄家报恩,可是约娜母女却深切怀疑她的动机。这时候,李传宗突接家信,要他回溪城与爷爷相聚。


  Yue Na pretends to be ill after eating the chicken prepared by Qian Jin. Accusing Qian Jin of trying to poison her, Yue Na forces Qian Jin to pack up and leave.约娜在吃了千金煲的鸡汤后假装生病,藉此指责千金有意毒害她,千金欲辩不能,遂如此这般被赶离黄家。


  Zhi Chu tells Qian Jin that he loves her when he sees her again while making a house call to Li Da Hai. Up to no good, XinYi informs Yue Na that Xin Rui has been seeing Qian Jin secretly.再次重逢于李大海的府上,之初告诉千金他爱她。不安好心的心怡向约娜告密,说心蕊经常偷偷去找千金。


  Qian Jin is torn between Zhi Chu and Chuan Zong as both have expressed their wish to marry her. On another hand, Xin Rui has fallen in love with Chuan Zong.因为之初与传宗都说要娶她为妻,令千金左右为难,深感苦恼。另一方面,心蕊则偷偷地爱上了传宗。


  Yue Na is eager to bring Qian Jin back because she has learnt that Zhi Chu is interested in her. So when Li Da Hai offers to release Qian Jin in exchange for the secret prescription, she quickly agrees.约娜听说之初喜欢上千金,于是急着把千金带回黄家。因此,当李大海提议以千金交换密方时,她遂一口答应。


  i Da Hai sends Chuan Zong a letter, telling him to bring Qian Jin back home immediately. Meantime, Zhi Chu has decided to go to Shanghai to look for Qian Jin.李大海捎信给传宗,吩咐他即刻偕千金回返溪城。与此同时,之初决定到上海寻找千金。


  Furious that Qian Jin has been treated by the Huang Family as a maid, Chuan Zong confronts Yue Na and demands that Qian Jin be released at once. Meantime, Zhi Chu is very upset on learning that Qian Jin is going to marry Chuan Zong.传宗听说黄家把千金当下人使唤,气得他掉头直奔黄府与约娜理论,要她即刻放人。与此同时,之初以为千金真要嫁给传宗,一时感到非常失落。


  Qian Jin is kidnapped by some party for unknown reasons. But she manages to escape from her kidnappers and later gets rescued by Chuan Zong.千金不知何故突然被人绑架,不过机灵的她,终于找到机会逃了出来,刚巧遇上正在四处找她的传宗。


  Partnering Chuan Zong, Qian Jin opens an herbal soup restaurant to a roaring success. Meantime, Zhi Chu learns from his grandmother that Qian Jin is not his blood relative, thus a marriage between them is permissible.千金和传宗合作开了药膳坊,生意异常兴旺。与此同时,之初听奶奶说千金与他并无血缘关系,所以结婚是可以的。


  Zhi Chu rushes to tell Qian Jin of the good news that his grandma has given her approval to their relationship. But Qian Jin says that she will not leave the Huang Family because she wants to take care of Yue Na.之初兴匆匆跑去找千金,告诉她奶奶已答应他们的婚事。可是千金却说她不准备离开黄家,因为她要照顾黄老太太以至终老。


  Li Da Hai proposes a marriage between Qian Jin and Chuan Zong, which Yue Na promises to consider. Determined to ke第her promise, Qian Jin will go back to work for the Huang Family after the seven days of mourning.李大海来黄家提亲,要求将千金许配给传宗,约娜答应考虑。千金执意要履行其诺言,待守丧头七之后,即回返黄家。


  On her return to the Huang Family, Qian Jin promises Yue Na that she will continue to expand the herbal soup restaurant business. Moved by Qian Jin's sincerity, Yue Na decides to tell her everything that happened between their two families.千金回到黄家后,即向约娜提出保证,她要把黄家药膳发扬光大。约娜被千金的真诚感动,决定将过去两家所发生的恩恩怨怨,悉数告诉千金。


  Suspicion is replaced by a new bond when Chuan Zong and Zhi Chu discover that they are actually comrades fighting the same war. Meantime, Yue Na has decided to nullify the contract and set Qian Jin free.传宗和之初发觉彼此原来都是同一条战线上的同志,于是遂尽弃前嫌,重建友谊。与此同时,约娜决定撕毁契约,还千金自由。


  Yue Na advises Qian Jin to leave town, but she refuses to flee and leave Yue Na alone in the face of danger. Separately, Chuan Zong inadvertently discovers that Li Da Hai killed Qian Jin's grandmother in search of the secret prescription.知道千金处境危险,约娜促她赶快离开溪城,但千金坚持要留下来照顾她。另一方面,传宗无意中得知,李大海为了得到秘方,杀死了千金的祖母安天澜。



欧萱/Jeanette Aw方惜若简介 天生哑巴,善良懂事。与凌超严真心相爱,私奔到了上海。
欧萱/Jeanette Aw凌千金简介 方惜若和凌超严的女儿,为了妈妈的遗愿回到黄家报恩。
宋洋李传宗简介 李大海领养的孙子。和千金真心相爱。
戴阳天/Dai Yangtian凌之初简介 似锦和超华的儿子,单恋千金。
温岚/LANDY黄约娜简介 黄家太太。和凌牧田生下了似锦,和方锦前生下了亚坤。
吕颂贤/Jackie Lui方锦前简介 黄约娜和安天澜之夫,方亚坤之父,方惜若和方似锦的养父。
潘仪君/JOY安天澜简介 惜若的母亲。命运多舛的女人。被李大海杀死。
霍政谚/Huo Zhengyan凌超严简介 进步青年。与惜若私奔。在报社被特务带走下落不明。
韩晓/Han Xiao方似锦简介 黄约娜和凌牧田的亲生女儿。凌超华之妻,凌之初之母。
张天其凌超华简介 凌家大少爷,养子。为了凌家牺牲自己的幸福。英国回来的医生。
王子子黄心怡简介 黄家领养的孩子。心蕊的姐姐。一心想做少奶奶。
杜俊泽/Du Junze方亚坤简介 黄约娜和方锦前的儿子。真爱惜若。后为救惜若在大火中丧生。
米紫安黄心蕊简介 黄家领养的孩子。心地善良温柔孝顺。喜欢李传宗。误被心怡毒死。
欧萱黄佩珊简介 方惜若的来世,最后与凌逸然相遇。
霍政谚凌逸然简介 凌超严的来世,最后与黄佩珊相遇。


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