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一个词汇构建游戏加! 亚历山大图书馆的着火了,我们需要你的帮助来保存单词在字典里消失永久。 阅读线索和猜单词! 学习新单词!玩的话!按照所给的线索,完成单词. . ! 得到正确的字谜和保存单词永远消失! ! 如何玩 吗单独玩反对中的幽灵. . ! 选择两个不同的水平,如果你是冒险,尝试努力设置了! 您还可以让鬼在机选择为你的水平,基于你如何执行! 几乎把这个名词吗 摩擦精灵灯获得一些线索理所当然! 准备玩这个新单词游戏,每个人都在谈论吗告诉我这个词始于…… ! 阅读线索和猜单词! “我从未想过我会沉迷于手机游戏,但我不得不改变主意后玩StartsWith”——哈里,程序员和作家从金奈。 “它的一个类型,说明了,乐趣和教育可以共存!这个应用程序如此上瘾。”——什苹果爱好者,wordgamer狂热。 “乐趣和教育!强烈推荐如果你想构建和测试你的词汇量!有趣的应用!伟大的图形!教育!和我说了好玩吗有趣的应用,实际上是教育!没有等待!教育的应用,实际上是有趣的!”——阿南德,父亲,玩家,院士、前英特尔。 “只是一流的!——爱这款应用程序的设计、词集合,不同的问题。有时会很容易找到的,有时思维困难,有时通过侥幸和休息的提示——它使你订婚了。真的棒极了!”——玛雅 A vocabulary-building game with a twist! The library of Alexandria is burning, and we need YOUR help to save the words in the dictionary from disappearing permanently. Read the clue and guess the word! Learn new words! PLAY WITH WORDS! Follow the clues and complete the word..! Get the word puzzle right and save the words from disappearing forever!! How To Play Play solo against the ghost in the machine..! Choose from two different levels, and if you are adventurous, try the Hard set too! You can also let the ghost in the machine choose the level for you, based on how well you are performing! ALMOST GETTING THE WORD Rub the genie-lamp to get some clues granted! Ready to play this new word game that everyone is talking about Tell me the word which starts with ...! Read the clue and guess the word! "I never thought I would get addicted to a phone game, but I had to change my mind after playing StartsWith " - Hari, programmer and writer from Chennai. "One of its kind that illustrates, Fun and Education can co-exist! So hooked to this app." - Satish, Apple enthusiast, avid wordgamer. "Fun and educational! Highly recommended if you are looking to build and test your vocabulary! Fun App! Great Graphics! Educational! and did I say Fun Fun app that is actually educational! No wait! Educational app that is actually fun!" - Anand, Father, gamer, academician, ex-Intel. "Simply superb ! - Love this app for the design, word collection, varying questions. Sometimes will find it easily, sometimes thinking hard, sometimes by fluke and rest by hint - it keeps you engaged. Really superb!" - Maya



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