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阿道司.赫胥黎(Aldous Leonard Huxley, 1894年7月26日-1963年11月22日)英格兰作家,属于著名的赫胥黎家族。祖父是生物学家、进化论支持者托马斯·亨利·赫胥黎(Thomas Henry Huxley, 1825—1895)。




著名作品有长篇小说: 《铬黄》(1921)、《男女滑稽圆舞》(1923)、《光秃秃的树叶》(1925)、《点对点》(1923)、《瞎了眼睛在噶扎》(1936)、《几个夏季之后》(1939)、《时间须静止》(1944)、《天才与女神》(1955)、《岛》(1962)等。


他17岁完成了他第一部小说(未出版),并在20岁之后开始严肃的写作。 他最初出版的小说都为社会讽刺小说,以《克罗姆·耶娄》(1921年)为始。










1919年,他与在加辛顿遇到的比利时女子玛丽娅·妮斯(1899年9月10日 - 1955年2月12日)结婚,育有一子马修·赫胥黎(1920年4月19日 - 2005年2月10日)。马修后来成为作家、人类学家和流行病学家。








1921 Crome Yellow

1923 Antic Hay

1925 Those Barren Leaves

1928 Point Counter Point

1932 Brave New World

1936 Eyeless in Gaza

1939 After Many a Summer

1944 Time Must Have a Stop

1948 Ape and Essence

1955 The Genius and the Goddess

1962 Island


1920 Limbo

1922 Mortal Coils

1924 Little Mexican (US title: Young Archimedes)

1926 Two or Three Graces

1930 Brief Candles

1944 Collected Short Stories

Jacob's Hands: A Fable (co-written with Christopher Isherwood; discovered 1997)


1916 Oxford Poetry (magazine editor)

1916 The Burning Wheel

1917 Jonah

1918 The Defeat of Youth and Other Poems

1920 Leda

1925 Selected Poems

1929 Arabia Infelix and Other Poems

1931 The Cicadas and Other Poems

1971 Collected Poems


1923 On the Margin

1925 Along the Road

1926 Essays New and Old

1927 Proper Studies

1929 Do What You Will

1930 Vulgarity in Literature

1931 Music at Night

1932 Texts and Pretexts

1936 The Olive Tree and other essays

1937 Ends and Means

1940 Words and their Meanings

1942 The Art of Seeing

1945 The Perennial Philosophy

1946 Science, Liberty and Peace

1950 Themes and Variations

1954 The Doors of Perception

1956 Heaven and Hell

1956 Adonis and the Alphabet (US title: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow)

1958 Collected Essays

1958 Brave New World Revisited

1960 On Art and Artists

1963 Literature and Science

1977 Moksha: Writings on Psychedelics and the Visionary Experience 1931–63

1977 The Human Situation: Lectures at Santa Barbara, 1959


Brave New World

Ape and Essence

1940 Pride and Prejudice (collaboration)

1943 Madame Curie (collaboration)

1944 Jane Eyre (collaboration with John Houseman)

1947 A Woman's Vengeance

1950 Prelude to Fame

1951 Original screenplay (rejected) for Disney's animated Alice in Wonderland

1971 Eyeless in Gaza (BBC mini-series in collaboration with Robin Chapman)


1925 Along The Road: Notes and essays of a tourist

1926 Jesting Pilate: The Diary of a Journey

1934 Beyond the Mexique Bay: A Traveller's Journey


1967 The Crows of Pearblossom


1924 The Discovery (adapted from Francis Sheridan)

1931 The World of Light

1948 Mortal Coils – A Play (stage version of The Gioconda Smile)

1958 The Genius and the Goddess (stage version, co-written with Betty Wendel)

1967 The Ambassador of Captripedia

2000 Now More Than Ever (Lost play discovered by the Department of English Literature, University of Münster, Germany)

给Vedanta and the West写的文章

1941 "Distractions" "Distractions II" "Action and Contemplation" "An Appreciation" "The Yellow Mustard" "Lines" "Some Reflections of the Lord's Prayer"

1942 "Reflections of the Lord's Prayer" "Reflections of the Lord's Prayer II" "Words and Reality" "Readings in Mysticism" "Man and Reality" "The Magical and the Spiritual"

1943 "Religion and Time" "Idolatry" "Religion and Temperament" "A Note on the Bhagavatam" "Seven Meditations"

1944 "On a Sentence From Shakespeare" "The Minimum Working Hypothesis" "From a Notebook" "The Philosophy of the Saints"

1945 "That Art Thou" "That Art Thou II" "The Nature of the Ground" "The Nature of the Ground II" "God in the World"

1946 "Origins and Consequences of Some Contemporary Thought-Patterns" "The Sixth Patriarch" "Some Reflections on Time"

1947 "Reflections on Progress" "Further Reflections on Progress" "William Law" "Notes on Zen"

1948 "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread" "A Note on Gandhi"

1949 "Art and Religion

1950 "Foreword to an Essay on the Indian Philosophy of Peace"

1952 "A Note on Enlightenment" "Substitutes for Liberation"

1954 "The Desert" "A Note on Patanjali"

1955 "Who Are We?"

1956 "Foreword to the Supreme Doctrine" "Knowledge and Understanding"

1957 "The "Inanimate" is Alive"

1960 "Symbol and Immediate Experience"


1955 Knowledge and Understanding

1955 Who Are We?


1936 Pacifism and Philosophy

1937 An Encyclopedia of Pacifism (editor)

1941 Grey Eminence

1953 The Devils of Loudun

1962 The Politics of Ecology

2007 Selected Letters


1939 James Tait Black Memorial Prize (for After Many a Summer Dies the Swan)

1959 American Academy of Arts and Letters Award of Merit (for Brave New World).

1962 Companion of Literature (Royal Society of Literature)

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