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slot machine造句
1. His coins all slotted into the slot machine. 2. The casino offers just bingo and 200 slot machines. 3. Presumably, that means slot machines of any kind. 4. The measure would have legalized slot machines in Palm Springs and allowed voters to approve other casinos later. 5. Casinos sport the same slot machines, the same gaming tables, the same garish and stunningly ugly carpet. 6. She loved the sound of dice and slot machines, the clatter of mathematics. 7. Conversely, any fool can sit down at a slot machine. 8. Interactivity: The woman operating a huge eight-reel slot machine offers $ 20 for our $ 150 camera. 9. Slot Machine Advice E - Book . 10. He fed four quarters into the slot machine. 11. The company mainly produces NC Slot Machine, PLC slotting machine, CNC punch, CNC cutting machines, bending machines, School-aircraft sheet metal machining, molding machinery. 12. For the slot machine , using pressure pressing machine handwritten on book Groove and shape. 13. Vending a coin - operated slot machine for the sale of small items. 14. Simple slot machine program. VB has green hand on the reference value. 15. For this example, we simulate a simple three-wheel slot machine with one payline. 16. The higher tiers housed lesser wheels, chemin de fer, blackjack, slot machines, vingt-et-un, baccarat, five-card stud. 17. It has 228 rooms, 6 pools, 4 restaurants and 500 slot machines. 18. None of us wants to put our quarters in a Las Vegas slot machine if the jackpot spews out only air. 19. In 1997 he lost $ 21 , 000 to one slot machine in two days. 20. They must have a terrble time getting gum out of slot machine. 21. How about me ? Just gambled 20 dollars on slot machine and lost. 22. Vending - machinebis also common and is a coin - operated slot machine for the sale of small items. 23. Such as roulette , blackjack , craps, baccarat, keno, slot machine and so on. 24. The trouble was her voice, which the actress Tallulah Bankhead once likened to " nickels dropping in a slot machine."