快好知 kuaihz

1. He suffered third-degree burns over 98 per cent of his body. 2. She incurred shrapnel wounds as well as third-degree burns. 3. He was suffering from third-degree ennui, and that was all there was to it. 4. Butch finally pleaded guilty to third-degree murder and was sentenced to 10 to 20 years. 5. Is it possible to get third-degree burns from a novelty cracker? 6. It left Lott dead and Butler with third-degree burns. 7. Sunburn never causes a third-degree burn or scarring. 8. This paper analyzes the welfare implication of the third-degree price discrimination by considering linear demand curves in all markets. 9. In June, he pleaded no contest to third-degree misdemeanor assault, which gave him 17 to 30 days in jail—a sentence he has yet to serve. 10. On the backs of his legs, third-degree burns trace the rectangular shape of bricks, a factory foreman's punishment for not working fast enough. 11. A happy third-degree friend -- a friend of a friend -- increases a person's chances of being happy by 6 percent. 12. The woman sustained second- and third-degree burns to her genital area, requiring extensive surgery and skin grafts. 13. The blast seared two co-workers and left him with second-and third-degree burns from his knees to his scalp. 14. She was hospitalized in a critical condition after suffering third-degree burns, and died 21 days later. 15. Li glanced at Wang's hand. "My father often jokes, 'Look at this couple - one has a third-degree disability, the other has a second-degree disability; they're made for each other,"' she said. 16. Now Fawzia (whose name has been changed because of her age) lies in a hospital bed with third-degree burns covering 35% of her body and ash coating the insides of her lungs. 17. Peter King, who sits on the US House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, said the suspect had third-degree burns. 18. When I got to hospital, my total body surface was 65% burned, with a little more than 50% third-degree burns; the fingers on my left hand had burned down to the bone. 18.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 19. He also had a cut on his head from falling in the van and a third-degree burn to his stomach from lying on the vehicle's hot metal floor. 20. Heather had suffered a fractured skull, a broken right shoulder and fractured right arm, as well as third-degree bums to her face, arms and legs . 21. Burn, damage extends into the dermis (inner layer), with redness and Blisters. Third-degree Burns destroy the entire thickness of the skin. 22. Identify and grasp the torn edges of the external anal sphincter capsule with Allis clamps, and perform a repair as for a third-degree laceration. 23. "If the sap gets on your skin and it's exposed to sunlight ... you end up with third-degree burns, oozing and scars, " Naja Kraus, the DEC's giant hogweed program coordinator, told the press. 24. From consumer's point of views, they study the impact on social welfare (consumer's surplus) of third-degree price discrimination. 25. We searched fruitlessly for thirty minutes until I had a third-degree sunburn on my bald spot. 26. Alternately, if you're buzzing with questions and give the interviewer what feels like the third-degree, it will immediately signal that you are unfocused or too aggressive. 27. Ariely spent three years in a hospital after suffering third-degree burns over 70% of his body. 28. BENGHAZI, Libya — "What do you do in the event of a third-degree burn?" asks Dr. Randa Abidia.