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One Of These Days - Pink Floyd歌词
Spoken in background: Oh my God, what a fabulous room! Are all these your guitars? This place is bigger than our apartment. Uh, could I have a drink of water? Ya want some? Huh? Oh wow! Look at this tub! Wanna take a bath? What're you watching? Hello? Are you feeling ok? Day after day, Our love tuens gray, Like the skin on a dying man. And night after night, We pretend it's all right, But I have grown older, And you have grown colder, And nothing is very much fun, anymore. And I can feel, One of all my turns coming on, I feel, Cold as a razor blade, Tight as a tourniquet, Dry as a funeral drum. Run to the bedroom, In the suitcase on the left, You'll find my favorite axe. Don't look so frightened, This is just a passing phase, One of my bad days. Would you like to watch TV? Or get betwe
歌词忘记这片尾曲 ◢◤经典蓝调音乐◥◣   很不错的蓝调伤感悲郁童话 ◢◤经典伤感音乐◥◣  忧伤说唱 殇殇殇如果你去过丽江 这首歌一定会让你流泪 ...Teenage Dream抒情版循 循 善 诱 · 不 自 觉 的 就 循 环 上 了 这 首重 重 的 背 景 · 衬 托 着 这 个 男 人 的 轻 柔电影原声 来不及说我爱你 送花某人经典粤语 结局无法抗拒·就算我们已人老珠黄到底是附带着有多大的魅力 才让它 经年不散﹙〆        听一遍 俄就爱上了 这男声太有磁性了丶﹚哀歌.有些歌那么伤 一直不敢去听 却又舍不得删★·did you mean it 和我一起倾听回忆的味道·☆﹙〆        一首不错的慢摇 女声部分是俄的菜丶﹚诡异 催眠 女声低音 ha1f on A babyone time 说唱 刚学劲舞的时候特喜欢这曲子Pina Colada Boy 节奏干净利落Secret 声线节奏都不错I Wanna love you 柔和说唱Shake That 节奏英文 最喜欢00:54秒我们牵着手 安静的温柔 鲜嫩的回忆赖着不肯走泰国电影初恋这件小事主题曲 爱这件小事吸血鬼日记第二季第十一集片尾结束曲你是我无数次想要忘记 却舍不得的人If Ever  ▌ 触动着灵魂 回味那一秋的驻足 ゝ有些事有些人 总是在错过之后方知不舍我们的幸福时光◥█◣触碰不到你的生活感觉不到你的情绪这一分钟◥█◣费劲心力也感觉不到一丝你的气息