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When We Were Young歌词
when we were young -take that when we were young take that LRC:jaron QQ:604067801 When we were young the world seemed so old 当我们青春年少时,感觉世界似乎过于苍老 Careless and cold 无情与冷酷充斥其中 We did what we were told in our lives 我们按照叮咛嘱咐过生活 When we were young 当我们青春年少时 Had the world by the tail, good would prevail, starships would sail 仿佛世界在握,以为正义必胜,飞船也必将遨游太空 And none of us would fail in this life 谁都不会拥有失败的人生 Not when you're young 至少在青春年少时不会 We were drawn to whoever could keep us together 我们会因某某而惺惺相惜 And bound by the heavens above 被抬头可见的天空所禁锢 And we tried to survive 我们也曾痛苦挣脱于 Travelling at the speed of love 转瞬即逝的懵懂爱情之伤 Wooaaah when we were young 喔……当我们青春年少时 When we adored the fabulous 当我们沉浸于美丽的童话 Wooaaah when we were young 喔……当我们年少无知时 We were the foolish fearless 我们曾因无知而无畏 Never knowing the cost of what we paid 却从不知