快好知 kuaihz订阅观点



听说读写四项里,属于表达 output 的是说和写,也就是口语和写作。

我打算先写口语, 写作的话可以给大家看我写的两篇文章,一个是大一creative writing 的作业,得了学院论文奖的2等奖(其他都是老外) 还有一个是一篇短篇小说投稿给澳洲某文学奖。

Franklin - 豆丁网

Breeze along the journey

1.口语 (所有内容皆为本人原创)


1.presentation用,打工/实习面试用 这是最正式的一类





第二类就是“和你说的内容无关的”,比如你的连读,浊辅音和爆破音是否清晰,你的语调(升or降),断句和停顿 语速 等等....


1. presentation 类。经常在国外大学做preseantation的同学就会知道,想得高分(一般情况下)你中间都说了什么其实并不重要,重要的是你的开头和结尾是不是印象深刻;有自信的气场,还有就是你的ppt。 中间说的内容不重要,重要的是 结构清晰 和 流畅(这真的是答主的血泪经验)

既然是结构清晰和流畅·,我认为重要的技巧就是引导词和连词。先说连词,连词最好准备在你忘词或者这一段已经油尽灯枯说不下去的时候用。我觉得连词中”高级“的有,但是并不高级的那么明显,重要的是,你能在紧张到忘掉演讲词的时候想起来用个高级的连词。所以我建议你在presen开始前就要想好,比如对自己说”我今天一定要用"however" 和“as long as"

下面说”高级“ :地道”的词

1.However. however用在句首的效果和but基本一样,而且强调了转折,比起but是一个更好的选择。听过很多外国人做presen的表示,母语者使用的频率比非母语者高很多

2. so that,在表顺承(仅限表顺承)的时候是一个比"and:高级很多的词

3,since 和 as 表原因,比 because 高级很多,重要的是用了这两个词你可以说出很长的从句

4. both and either or, neither nor 这三兄弟谁用谁知道,是很提气的。用这三组的时候,说了第一个词就会强迫你思考后半句要说什么,虽然不高级,但是很神奇。


引导词的道理和连词差不多,只不过引导词更强调 “结构”,是提醒听众你接下来要说什么的关键



1.First, we"re going to ...

2.I"d like to begin by outlining our present situation.

3.You may not know that ...


Let"s take a look at some of the implications of this.

Taking into consideration what we have said about X, we can see that Y ...

The main reason for these actions is ...

We have to keep in mind that ... when we consider ...

As you can see from this graph representing ...

If you could just take a look at ...

Looking at X we can see that ..

There are a number of alternatives in this case. We can ...

If we had ... , we would ...

Had we ... , we could have ... Do we need to X or Y?

I think we can clearly see that we can either ... or ...

We have been considering ...


We"ve discussed many points today. Let me quickly summarize the principal points:

I"d like to quickly go over the main points of today"s topic:

Before we end, let me briefly recap what we have discussed here today.

Thank you all very much for taking the time to listen to this presentation. Now, if you have any questions, I"d be happy to answer them.I think that"s about it. I"d like to thank you all for coming in today. Do you have any questions?

1.2 面试类

国外的面试的特点我觉得是 假 大 空,不管是餐馆打工还是公司的intern.面试的很多问题会问类似“what kind of value could you bring to us"这样的。这个经验我没有 presen多,只提供几个大方向

1.重要的是让面试官感到你的自信,或者说:确定性” 因此用词上,你可以

It is sure/very certain that....it is very obvious that I am sure that my experience in xxx could help (name of the company) with xxxxI have certain confidence in xxxx

2.要有中心,要在几个问题内让面试官知道你最明显的特点 因此 你可以

As I mentioned before, I am a very xxx person and this could also apply to xxxx as well

If you remember what I said in last question, I could xxxxx

as I said before..........

3.面试的时候,你通常不会有太多思考时间,因此为了给自己更多时间,你可以用 well, er等词拖延时间(这是可以接受的) 你也可以用一些打太极的招式,比如

I am very confident that I can bring certain things to the firm/help the firm in many ways...in my understanding of the culture of this company.....

I am sure that the culture of this company delivers certain things that agree with my own value and hence(争取时间的大招!)

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