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【心理音乐】The Clouds In Camarillo

Brazzaville乐队说,“一直有一个单纯的理想并为此而努力, 就是我们所生活的世界美好和使人憧憬的世界, 我们还相信在这个清醒的世界表面下有另一个现实, 在那里一切都是美好的. 这是属于我们的真实, 而且坚信通过帮助别人会使自己变得不再那么害怕周围的世界。 ”



You were born in ‘67

About 9 o’clock at night

A couple years before

I lost control And ended up inside

The clouds in Camarillo

Shimmer with a light that’s so unreal

Now I fear the stories that they told me

Of how I hurt my baby, must be somehow true

I stopped taking all my pills

They made me feel so dead inside

Just like the sun was goin’out

I didn’t think I could survive

The clouds in Camarillo

Shimmer with a light that’s so unreal

Now I fear the stories that they told me

Of how I hurt my baby, must be somehow true

Now I’m writing from a caravan

Behind your grandma’s place

I think my spirit will be happier

With the stars in outer space

The clouds in Camarillo

Shimmer with a light that’s so unreal

Now I fear the stories that they told me

Of how I hurt my baby, must be somehow true

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