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Ill Be Waiting(我会等你)

Dear t.,

  I don"t know what it is about you that makes me feel the way I do; no other guy can get to my heart, but you can see through to the depths of my very soul. I care about you more than I ever knew I could care about anyone before. you see, I never thought I could love again, but now I"m so confused. My heart says yes, but my head says no. you wonder why I care about you, but it"s simple: when i look into your eyes, i see beyond all the hatred you hold. i see a real person, with real needs, someone who you are afraid to be. But that"s okay, because i know the truth and I will wait until the day when you"ll break down your walls. even if it takes many years, I"ll be right here, waiting to love you, as I already love you now.

  love always,

  patiently waiting

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