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Chen Gong: Key Strategy to Deal With the Volatility in Chinas Stock Market

Chen Gong, ANBOUND"s chief researcher points out that the China’s stock market has projected a not healthy image to the public and such image is in line with the performance of the securities market. Both the new and old problems of the China’s stock market have blown together resulting in a chaotic market. Intervention by the government is the old problem faced by the stock market while the new problems are embodied with the excess capital and financial regulations. In order to deal with the fluctuations in China’s securities market effectively, on the hand one hand, the government should respect the market and should not be obsessed with interventions and on the other hand, the government should maintain a stable and healthy stock market.

搜索建议:Volatility  Volatility词条  Strategy  Strategy词条  Chinas  Chinas词条  Market  Market词条  Stock  Stock词条  

