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Dialectically Thinking of Japans State Normalization

Recent years, Japan is pursuing to normalize their country, which has been forcefully opposed by Beijing. But from ANBOUND’s perspective, the problem should be viewed dialectically. For America, the post-war order serves their interest best, so they will be the "Great Wall" to block Japan’s movement toward state normalization. While for Japan, they long for shake off the yoke of World War II history problem made by China and South Korea, and American’s limitation as well, they are looking for opportunities to rise again. So, Japan’s attempt on state normalization will inevitably change its alliance with the US, which can directly affect the geopolitical situation in East Asia.

搜索建议:Dialectically  Dialectically词条  Normalization  Normalization词条  Thinking  Thinking词条  Japans  Japans词条  State  State词条  

