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       2006年12月13日,第61届联合国大会通过了《残疾人权利公约》(以下简称《公约》)。这是人类历史上首部为保护残障人权利而专门制定的具有法律约束力的国际公约,是国际社会为保护和促进残障人人权而做出的最新努力。2008年6月26日,中国全国人民代表大会常务委员会批准《公约》, 同年8月31日《公约》对中国正式生效。

















      一加一报告于2012年4月11日正式递交至联合国残疾人权利委员会,特此声明。更多信息,请留意:www.yijiayi.org  www.canzhangren.org










An Statement on CRPD Shadow Report Submission


One Plus One Report

Implementation in China of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


 On 13 December 2006, the 61st session of the United Nations passed the "Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" (referred to hereafter as "the Convention"). This is the first legally binding international convention in human history specially formulated to protect the rights of people with disabilities and is the international community’s latest effort to protect and promote the human rights of people with disabilities. On the 26 June 2008, the Standing Committee of the National People"s Congress of the People"s Republic of China ratified the Convention, and on August 31st of the same year the Convention formally came into effect in China.

 China was one of the first countries to sign the Convention. It was also one of the first countries in the world to advocate and actively promote the United Nations formulation of an international convention on the rights of people with disabilities. China made an important contribution to the appearance of this Convention. At the same time, the signing of the Convention signifies a guarantee that the rights and interests of Chinese people with disabilities are merged into the international human rights mechanism, that they are internationally supervised, and that new international concepts and useful experience come into China. It also accelerates the improvement of a system of relevant domestic laws and regulations linked to international ideas, and the cause of Chinese people with disabilities and the safeguarding of their human rights. In complying with the agreement, the Chinese government will act even more energetically really to improve the condition of people with disabilities and protect and promote their fundamental rights.

 In accordance with article 35 of the Convention, China, as a signatory nation, submitted an initial compliance report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of People with Disabilities on 31 August 2010.  One Plus One (Beijing) Disabled Persons" Cultural Development Center (referred to hereafter as "One Plus One") is therefore taking this opportunity, as a third party, to write a report based on projects that they undertook in certain parts of mainland China as well as on the actual experience of some of One Plus One’s disabled members. Written from the point of view of disabled people in China and disabled people’s organizations (DPOs), it analyzes gaps in achievements in order to provide constructive recommendations to the organizations responsible for implementing work on disabled people’s rights and protection.

 One Plus One was founded in 2006 and most of its members are people with disabilities. It is a local Chinese non-profit disabled people"s organization (DPO) managed by disabled people themselves. In its role as an independent media organization in the field of disability in China, One Plus One works towards the construction and development of indigenous Chinese DPOs in order to promote an improvement in the protection of the rights of people with disabilities. 

 One Plus One is one of China"s most mature indigenous DPOS. Our responsibility is to use the accumulated personal experience of our disabled members and of our projects to bring together ideas and experience gained in our research and practice in the area of disabled people"s rights protection, working in partnership with international organizations and government departments.

 The research and the drafting of the report began in September 2011 and were completed in March 2012. The report comments on only some of the clauses in the Convention and offers One Plus One"s constructive recommendation. The report adheres to the form and content laid down by the Committee for the Rights of Disabled People for periodic reports by the signatory nations, and makes partial readjustment according to the requirements of the report. Because projects developed by One Plus One in China are restricted in the area and populations they cover, and because of One Plus One"s limitations in understanding the Convention, and because it is the first time One Plus One has attempted to write such a report, the report is not able to represent in its entirety the present protection work on the rights and interests of disabled. One Plus One cordially welcomes corrections in order that we may improve our work in the future. 

 One Plus One hereby declared that we had already afficially handed out the CRPD Shadow Report to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on 11th April 2012,

For more information,please:www.yijiayi.org


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