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return code造句
1. A return code of 0 indicates no error. 2. Internal error: unhandled service return code % 1. 3. The procedure can have an integer return code. 4. Command failed with return code 1./return code.html 5. The interrupt handler function now has a return code of type irqreturn_t. 6. The return code will be 0 if customization executes successfully. 7. For expected state changes, use a return code, sentinel, or special method that returns a status. 8. Again, the responsibility of checking this return code and taking appropriate action lies with the programmer. 9. For all other names, the return code should be 1, indicating no such customer found. 10. If the save or return code is indeed common, the calling procedure's status information must be in a known place in the called procedure's environment. 11. The return code of the scripts will indicate if the chunk is allowed to continue in the flow, that is, going to the pipelines or is skipped. 12. All the actions below end with '1;' because the last code in the action determines whether the action succeeded (0) or failed (1) as a return code. 13. You can add an optional argument, a variable that holds the return code from the external program, such as 0 for success, which provides a better mechanism for debugging. 14. You will know the environment variable is not set if you attempt to use the Register API with the reg_flag_C2Wprop field set to 1 and the call fails with a return code 8 and reason code 21. 15. You can see in the above trace the -4499 return code. 16. If the call to the interface returns a good return code, assume that the application is healthy. 17. Attempts to update the INSTANCE_MEMORY configuration parameter to values larger than these limits will fail with a SQL5130N return code, specifying the restricted range allowed for the license. 18. Then you use the conditional if statement to check the return code of the command. 19. Limiting the wait time and sending an alert on an error return code would be a very good thing to add. 20. If an object method needs to report an error, then a return code should be used. 21. If these values are not present, the program exits with a non-zero return code (Listing 7).