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1. This oil acts as a purgative / has a purgative effect. 2. This oil has a purgative effect. 3. He was given a purgative before the operation. 4. Prunes can have a purgative effect. 5. It was colossal and magnificent-a purgative of national despair. 6. Throughout Britain, thousands of teenagers, offered a rude purgative to royal overkill, chorused a noisy amen. 7. Causing evacuation, especially of the bowels; purgative. 8. The thorn apple has a strong purgative –it makes you go to the toilet. 9. Take some purgative and it will help you purge your bowels of bad matter. 10. The popular idea of recession as purgative an ill - judged binge - has a strong and enduring emotional appeal. 11. The thesis has also analyzed the prescription mentality purgative recipes of warm nature. 12. The popular idea of recession as purgative - the hangover following an ill - and enduring emotional appeal. 13. One was to bring down the fever , another a purgative, the third to an acid condition. 14. Aim To study the different decocting extractive methods on the contents of purgative principles of combined anthraquinones from Chinese Rhubarb. 15. Efficiency of degassing and slag-removing for several refining techniques was compared through experiments and a kind of well purgative and effective dynamic vacuum refining technique is established. 16. Objective: To establish a method suitable to determine the purgative biopotency of rhubarb and construct a new quality evaluation pattern of rhubarb. 17. The doctors attempted to reduce his high fever by inducing diarrhea with a purgative.