快好知 kuaihz订阅看过栏目


Hello it's me 你好 是我啊 I was wondering if after all 我想知道多年之后 these years you'd like to meet 你是否乐见 To go over everything 自己早已释怀过往的种种 They say that time's supposed 都说时光是最好的治愈之药 to heal ya but I ain't done much healing 似乎我只会让你的心伤继续 Hello can you hear me 你好 能否听见我的声音 I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be 寄居加州的我时常梦到曾经的你我 When we were younger and free 那时的我们 青春年少 肆意自由 I've forgotten how it felt 我早已忘却 before the world fell at our feet 整个世界臣服于我们脚下的成就感了 There's such a difference between us 而这就是你我之间的不同吧 And a million miles 你我像是相隔万里 Hello from the other side 彼岸他乡的一声问好 I must've called a thousand times to tell you 千百次只为亲口对你诉说 I'm sorry for everything that I've done 我很抱歉曾经我的所作所为 But when I call you never seem to be home 而即便我再呼唤你 也早已没了家的感觉 Hello from the outside 漂泊远方的一声问好 At least I can say that I've tried to tell you 至少我能说 我曾千方百计只为告诉你 I'm sorry for breaking your heart 让你