快好知 kuaihz订阅观点





  A: Can you make an English self-introduction in two minutes? Go for it.

  B: I am Joey, 22 years old, and I have just finished my Masters in Economy. I enjoy team work, and I"m looking for my first job, ideally in a big company. I want to learn, and meet like-minded people in work. In my spare time, I love running, reading, and meeting with my friends. I try to have positive outlook of life, and take everything that comes my ways as an opportunity to become a better person.


  Why did you leave your last job? / Why are you looking for a new job?

  Your Goal:

  To minimize any problems and to show that you had positive reasons for leaving previous positions.

  Mention positive reasons for leaving.

  Never criticize supervisors, co-workers, or the company/organization.

  Don’t mention major problems with management.

  Tell the interviewer about any neutral reasons for leaving.

  Stay positive no matter how bad the situation you are leaving may be.

  Use the right words so you don’t sound self-serving.

  Instead of saying “I left to seek better opportunities” say “I"m looking for a situation which will use more of my skills and experience.”

  Avoid sounding like a “job hopper.”

  Turn this into an opportunity to tell the interviewer about your skills and abilities, if possible.

  Keep your explanation short or the interviewer may think you’re making excuses.


  1. A: When did you get married?

  B: Sorry, I"m single.

  2. A: What does your husband do?

  B: I believe it is a personal question.

  3. A: Can you tell me if you will get married and have a baby in the near future?

  B: We got married not long ago and I don"t think I will have any baby within two years.


  Where do you see yourself in five years?

  Your Goal:

  To assure the interviewer that if the company hires you, you will continue working for them, and that you have given careful thought to your future career plans.

  Reassure the interviewer that you are not a “job hopper” by telling the interviewer that you plan to stay and grow with the company.

  Research the company to find out the logical next positions to move up in the company.

  If there is more than one direction you can move in to move up in the organization, name these paths and talk about your options depending on your future interests and performance, and the company’s needs.

  Show that you are motivated and have definite plans about doing more in the company.

  Avoid naming a specific job or position or you will seem too narrow or inflexible.

  Do not talk about personal goals or plans.


  What are your strengths / weaknesses ?

  Your Goal:

  To show how your strengths match the needs of the job.

  Know your strengths in three categories:

  1)Knowledge-based skills – These are skills developed through education and experience, such as computer skills, university degrees, languages you speak, and technical ability.

  2)Transferable Skills – These are skills that you can take from one job to another, such as being able to manage people well, being good at solving complex problems, being good at planning, and being a good communicator.

  3)Personal Traits – These are qualities about you are a person, such as being dependable, being hard working, being flexible, and being outgoing.

  Review with the interviewer your strengths, which are already noted in your resume and cover letter.

  Give specific evidence or examples of how your strengths have helped you in the past.

搜索建议:英语面试常见问题与回答简单  英语  英语词条  常见问题  常见问题词条  面试  面试词条  回答  回答词条  简单  简单词条  

