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Love at the Sunrise

Unforgettable love---Love at the Sunrise


As the eastern sky startedunfolding like the crimson petals of a gigantic flower, I was overcome by awave of romantic feelings and nostalgia—vivid memorie not diminished by thefact that almost ten years had passed.


  After viewing themetamorphosis at sunrise, I would walk downhill along the steep mountain-path,towards the rocky beach, for a brief swim. Each time, I noticed a flurry ofactivity in a distant compound with a single decrepit building. I used toignore it, but curiously, one day I decided to take a closer look. It was afish market. Most customers were housewives from the nearby residentialcomplexes. They were at their “Sunday-worst”—sans make-up, slovenly dressed,faces unwashed, and unkempt hair—in stark contrast with their carefully made-upappearances at the club the previous evening.


  I had began to walk away,quite dejected, when I saw her for the first time. I stopped, dead in mytracks. She was a real beauty—tall, fair and freshly bathed, her long lustroushair dancing on her shoulders. She had large, expressive brown eye and hersharp features were accentuated by the rays of the morning Sun. I can’t beginto describe the sensation she evoked in me; it was the first time in my lifethat I felt my heart ache with such intense yearning. I knew this was love.Yet, in my heart, I knew that Istood no chance—she had a mangalsutra around herneck. She was married—maybe happily, too. Nevertheles I drew closer to her andmade the pretence of buying some fish. Smiling guardedly at me, she selected acouple of pomfrets and held them out to me. I managed to briefly touch her softhands—the feeling was electric and a shiver of thrill passed through me. Shecommunicated an unspoken “good-bye” with her teasing, dancing eyes and brisklywalked away. Too dazed to follow her, I returned to my room and had friedpomfret for breakfast. Needless to say, they tasted delicious.


  Soon, I was following thisroutine every Sunday morning with almost religious zeal. She never missed herrendezvous with me—same place, same day, at precisely the same time, Seveno’clock. Still, not a word was exchanged between us. I was too shy and sheprobably wanted to keep it this way—a beautiful ethereal relationship—a love sodelicate that one wrong move might ruin everything. Meanwhile, I had developeda taste for fried pomfret—quite surprisingly, considering that I had nevereaten fish before.


  As the years went by, Ileft Visakhapatnamand travelled around the world, met many beautiful girls at the various exoticplaces I visited. But I never forgot her! A man’s first love would always havean enduring place in his heart.



搜索建议:Sunrise  Sunrise词条  Love  Love词条  the  the词条  at  at词条  


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