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范进,男,江苏南通人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,省科技进步“三等奖”获得者,省级教坛新秀。主要研究兴趣包括Pricing Theory、Behavioural Science等,在个人碳交易(Personal Carbon Trading, PCT)理论建模领域进行了开创性研究。近3年来在Applied Energy、Energy、Energy Policy、JCLP、Transportation、APBR、NRM、中国工业经济、中国软科学、系统工程理论与实践、经济学家等国内外重要刊物发表论文20余篇。其中,SCI、SSCI检索15篇(以第一作者、通讯作者发表11篇),CSSCI、CSCD检索10余篇。曾主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金、中国科协调研课题等项目,参与国家、省部级、企业委托项目10余项,为多个大中型企事业单位进行过团队管理培训。受邀担任多个SCI、SSCI期刊匿名审稿人。










四、主要论著 SCI\SSCI\CSSCI\CSCD期刊论文(近3年):

[1] Jin Fan, Jun Li, YanruiWu, Shanyong Wang,Dingtao Zhao, The Effects of Allowance Price on Energy Demand under a Personal Carbon Trading Scheme. Applied Energy, 2016, 170(5): 242-249.【SCI, IF: 5.613, 中科院SCI期刊分区1区, Top期刊】

[2] Jin Fan, Shanyong Wang*, Yanrui Wu, Jun Li, Dingtao Zhao. Buffer Effect and Price Effect of a Personal Carbon Trading Scheme. Energy, 2015, 82(3): 601-610. 【SCI, IF: 4.465, 中科院SCI期刊分区1区, Top期刊】.

[3] Yao Li, Jin Fan*, Dingtao Zhao, Yanrui Wu, Jun Li.Tiered Gasoline Pricing: A Personal Carbon Trading Perspective. Energy Policy , 2016, 89(2): 194-201.【SCI, SSCI, IF: 2.575, 中院SCI期刊分区1区, Top期刊】.

[4] Shanyong Wang, Jin Fan*, Dingtao Zhao, Shu Yang, Yuanguang Fu. Predicting Consumers' Intention to Adopt Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Using an Extended Version of the Theory of Planned Behavior Model. Transportation, 2016, 43:123–143. 【SCI, IF: 2.074, 中科院SCI期刊分区2区, ABDC分区A期刊】

[5] Jin Fan, Xiumei Guo, Dora Marinova*, Yanrui Wu, Dingtao Zhao. Embedded Carbon Footprint of Chinese Urban Households: Structure and Changes, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2012, 33(9): 50-59. 【SCI, IF: 4.088, 中科院SCI期刊分区2区】.

[6] Jun Li, Jin Fan*, Dingtao Zhao, Shanyong Wang. Allowance Price and Distributional Effects under a Personal Carbon Trading Scheme. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 103(9): 319-329. 【SCI, IF: 4.088, 中科院SCI期刊分区2区】.

[7] Jin Fan, Yao Li*, Yanrui Wu, Dingtao Zhao, Jun Li. Allowance Trading and Energy Consumption under a Personal Carbon Trading Scheme: A Dynamic Programming Approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015. 【SCI, IF: 4.088, 中科院SCI期刊分区2区】.

[8] Jin Fan, Yanrui Wu*, Xiumei Guo, Dingtao Zhao, Dora Marinova. Regional Disparity of Embedded Carbon Footprint and Its Sources in China: A Consumption Perspective. Asia Pacific Business Review, 2015, 21(1): 130-146. 【SSCI, IF: 0.783, ABDC分区B期刊】.

[9] Jin Fan, Shanyong Wang*, Yanrui Wu, Jun Li, Dingtao Zhao. Energy-use Choices and Allowance Trading under the Personal Carbon Trading Scheme. Natural Resource Modeling, 2015, 28(1): 1-17. 【SCI, IF: 1.048; Lead article】.

[10] Jin Fan*, Dingtao Zhao, Yanrui Wu, Jiuchang Wei. Carbon Pricing and Electricity Market Reforms in China. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2014, 16(5): 921-933. 【SCI, IF: 1.827】.

[11] Yu Zhou, Jin Fan*, Dingtao Zhao, Shanyong Wang. The Impact of Carbon Trading on Regulated Agents in China. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2014: 1-14, DOI 10.1007/s11027-014-9604-1. 【SCI, IF: 1.234】.

[12] Shanyong Wang*, Jin Fan, Dingtao Zhao, Yanrui Wu. The Impact of Government Subsidies or Penalties for New Energy Vehicles: A Static and Evolutionary Game Model Analysis. Journal of transport economics and policy, 2015, 49(1): 98-114. 【SSCI, IF: 1.220, Leading journal in field】

[13] Jiuchang Wei, Xiumei Guo, Dora Marinova*, Jin Fan. Industrial SO2 Pollution and Agricultural Losses in China: Evidence from Heavy Air Polluters. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, 64: 404-413. 【SCI, IF: 4.088, 中科院SCI期刊分区2区】.

[14] Dingtao Zhao, Tao Guo*, Jin Hong, Yi Xu, Jin Fan. Trends and Spatial Distribution of Embedded Carbon Footprints in China. Energy & Environment, 2014, 25(5): 915-930.【SSCI, IF: 0.319】.

[15] Shu Yang, Dingtao Zhao, Yanrui Wu*, Jin Fan. Regional Variation in Carbon Emissions and Its Driving Forces in China: An Index Decomposition Analysis. Energy & Environment, 2013, 24(12): 1249-1270. 【SSCI, IF: 0.319】.

[16] Jiuchang Wei, Han Wang, Jin Fan, Yujuan Zhang. Corporate Accidents, Media Coverage, and Stock Market Responses: Empirical Study of the Chinese Listed Firms. Chinese Management Studies, 2013, 7(4): 617-630. 【SSCI, IF: 0.327】.

[17] 范进, 赵定涛, 洪进. 消费排放权交易对消费者选择行为的影响. 中国工业经济, 2012, 3: 30-42.【CSSCI】.

[18] 范进, 赵定涛, 郭韬. 基于消费者视角的碳排放权交易机制研究. 中国软科学, 2012, 6: 24-32.【CSSCI】.

[19] 范进, 赵定涛. 土地城镇化与人口城镇化协调性测定及其影响因素. 经济学家, 2012, 5: 61-67.【CSSCI】.

[20] 范进, 赵定涛, 洪进, 朱云浩. 基于消费的嵌入式碳足迹空间分异及影响因素实证研究.系统工程, 2012, 30(1): 75-83.【CSSCI,CSCD】.

[21] 范进. 城市密度对城市能源消耗影响的实证研究. 中国经济问题, 2011, 6: 16-22.【CSSCI】.

[22] 范进, 赵定涛. 中国城市为何会“蔓延式”发展. 中国科技论坛, 2012, (11): 134-140.【CSSCI】.

[23] 李军, 范进, 王善勇, 赵定涛. 个人碳交易机制对消费者能源消费影响研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2015.【CSSCI】.

[24] 赵定涛, 邓雅静, 范进. 个人碳交易理论视域下的阶梯电价定价模型. 系统工程, 2013, 10: 15-20.【CSSCI,CSCD】.

[25] 赵定涛, 郭韬, 范进. 中国城镇居民嵌入式碳足迹的测定及演化. 系统工程, 2012, 5: 24-32.【CSSCI,CSCD】.

[26] 赵定涛, 汪臻, 范进. 技术、消费模式与中国碳排放增长——中国八大区域的实证研究.系统工程, 2012, 8: 1-9.【CSSCI,CSCD】.

[27] 赵定涛, 邓雅静, 范进. 中国城市发展模式转型研究. 江淮论坛, 2013, 4: 15-21.【CSSCI】.


[1] 2015,个人碳交易系统中全能源价格与能源需求量双重鲁棒性研究,国家自然科学基金面上基金

[2] 2013,个人碳交易制度对消费者低碳行为的影响机制:理论建模与实验研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金

[3] 2013,个人碳足迹的测定及其交易机制研究,中国博士后科学基金

[4] 2013,中国政府科技政策供给状况及成效研究,中国科协调研课题

[5] 2014,安徽省科技政策执行效果评价及政策建议研究,安徽省软科学课题

[6] 2015,合肥市“十三五”科技创新的保障机制研究,合肥市软科学课题

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