快好知 kuaihz

gnaw at造句
1) She gnawed at her fingernails. 2) The rats was gnawing at the box. 3) The dog was gnawing at a bone. 4) Woodlice attack living plants and gnaw at the stems. 5) Something was gnawing at the back of his mind. 6) Sorrow is gnawing at her heart. 7) Anxiety gnawed at his heart. 8) A dog was gnawing at an old bone. 9) Fear gnawed at her soul. 10) The problem had been gnawing at him for months. 11) These doubts had been gnawing at him for some time. 12) The feeling that I've forgotten something has been gnawing at me all day. 13) The lack of answers gnaws at me. 14) A guilty pain began gnawing at her chest. 15) Now the buds are blossoming and the cricketing itch is gnawing at our stomachs. 16) The cat began to gnaw at the skin of the dead snake. 17) But the serpent sensed hunger chewing at its stomach like David sensed it gnawing at his soul. 18) He gnawed at his thick lower lip or blew smoke in my direction. 19) It gnawed at him as he wanted to gnaw at food. 20) Deep in the interstices of daily life, no doubt, frustrations gnawed at him and resentments festered. 21) Did you get to die a horrible death with giant ants gnawing at your body? 22) Employers constantly gnawed at the high level of wages which had been built up during the First World War. 23) He'll grapple and gnaw at creatures just long enough to give you some time to retreat and wing some firebombs or send some mongrels in. 24) It uses them to gnaw at the sides and bottom of its channel, gradually loosening more earth. 25) A hellhound never any more than gnaw at Negroes, 1 Waking moment of every life is waiting for your help, Obama! 26) It will also gnaw at Mr Summers , who leaves his job of repairing the economy unfinished. 27) Something will have changed, become utterly different in a way that will gnaw at you, while it simultaneously intrigues you. 28) They are lovers, he replied, they will go and live in the same kennel by-and-by, and gnaw at the same bone. 29) However, if you accept those first impressions, but don't let them gnaw at your conscious self-image, you've succeeded. 30) It's your duty to invite all the rats in the world to gnaw at your bones.