快好知 kuaihz

31, Tactically, It'sounds as ludicrous as sprinting the first five kilometers of a marathon. 32, No deal , in the sense of walkaway power , can also be used tactically at any stage of the proceedings . 33, Tactically, we still need some transceivers , and telephone apparatus. 34, Tactically, it sounds as ludicrous as rinting the first five kilometres of a marathon. To win a 2000-metre rowing race, the crew must rint for the first 500 metres. 35, Second, the forts of France's Maginot Line were not tactically outflanked, as myth has it. 36, I thought the final was tactically very interesting; he thought the semi - final against Germany was better. 37, Mr. Obama was tactically smart to release the certificate and marginalize those who continue to keep the matter alive.