快好知 kuaihz

1. Her self-sacrifice saved our lives. 2. He was endowed with the spirit of self-sacrifice. 3. The president saluted the courage and self-sacrifice of those who fought for their country. 4. I thanked my parents for all their self-sacrifice on my behalf. 5. They argued for a new morality based on self-sacrifice and honesty. 6. As for self-sacrifice it was mostly incredible. 7. Working-class women who endured hardship and self-sacrifice and survived with something of themselves still intact. 8. To do so took enormous courage and self-sacrifice, intelligence and skill. 9. I knew of no virtues except truthfulness, obedience, self-sacrifice, total abstinence from alcoholic drinks .... 10. Suffering, anguish, and self-sacrifice are the order of the day. 11. But co-operation and self-sacrifice also exist, even at quite basic levels of conscious animal life. 12. It is a spirit of self-sacrifice. 13. They are the fruit of His self-sacrifice. 14. Mythologem—a basic theme, as of revenge, self-sacrifice, or betrayal, that is shared by cultures throughout the world. 15. The value of self-sacrifice puts the benefit of the group above that of the individual. 16. "With self-sacrifice, firefighters fought 'trench battles' to rescue these sensitive and important sites, " Public Order Minister Byron Polydoras told reporters. 17. People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I've seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that. 18. His election campaign appeals more to enlightened self-interest than to self-sacrifice. 19. The job requires a lot of enthusiasm, dedication and self-sacrifice. 20. True marriage requires us to show trust, loyalty, stability, permanence and self-sacrifice. 21. She was so relieved to hear this that she could not make any further self-sacrifice. 22. Perhaps sensibly, Mr Bush's campaign appeals more to enlightened self-interest than to self-sacrifice. 23. Heroism turns out to be a fraud, and so does romantic self-sacrifice. 24. This is the old Futurist ideal of living dangerously, of self-sacrifice. 25. They didn't work for the Labour Party, which failed to persuade the voters of the value of self-sacrifice. 26. She gained her grades through sheer hard work, determination and two years' self-sacrifice. 27. Though a fictional character, Cu Chulainn came to stand for a very real sense of patriotic courage and self-sacrifice. 28. Such organizations should be ready all the time to make life-or-death choices and have the organizational capability of self-sacrifice. 29. At the moment of such a feeling of love, enthusiasm, and self-sacrifice, what are all our slights and squabbles? 30. Powerful words can drive men to madness. They may inspire them, schizphrenically, to acts self-sacrifice.