快好知 kuaihz

1 There are three ways of spreading news-- telegraph, telephone, and tel-a-woman. 2 There are but three ways of living: by working, by stealing, or by begging. 3 There are more ways of killing a cat than choking it with cream. 4 There are many ways of tackling this problem. 5 They departed on their different ways. 6 Management is looking at ways of cutting costs. 7 My brother and I differ in many ways. 8 There are various ways of getting to the station. 9 Management need to explore ways of improving office security. 10 City planners are looking for ways to ease traffic. 11 Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways. 12 His analysis is in many ways highly persuasive. 13 What other ways do you know to add variety? 14 The subject may be viewed in various ways. 15 Children give vent to their anger in various ways. 16 He is very aggressive in many ways. 17 It's time you amended your ways. 18 They keep suggesting ways to keep my weight down. 19 My mother and I are alike in many ways. 20 He tried to find ways of mollifying her. 21 New ways to treat arthritis may provide an alternative to painkillers. 22 One of the best ways to see the area is in a small boat. 23 He is sounding out Middle Eastern governments on ways to resolve the conflict. 24 I'd like to hear your suggestions for ways of raising money. 25 She led him by devious ways to the meeting place. 26 She had acted in ways that he found wholly admirable. 27 Don't try to win a friend by presenting gifts. You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win others 'heart through appropriate ways. 28 You show the warmth of your friendship in so many different ways,That's why I hope your birthday is the happiest of days. 29 If your heart is willing, it makes thousands of ways. If your heart is unwilling, it makes thousands of excuses. 30 Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote products.