快好知 kuaihz

1. The rain has sprouted the seeds overnight. 2. We can't use these potatoes; they've all sprouted. 3. Hair sprouted from his chest. 4. The old tree sprouted in this spring. 5. Hundreds of mushrooms had sprouted up overnight. 6. Jim seemed to have sprouted a beard. 7. New factories have sprouted up everywhere. 8. Potatoes should be sprouted for eating. 9. Abundant hair sprouted from his broad chest. 10. The town has sprouted shopping malls, discos and nightclubs in recent years. 11. My firm has sprouted into a major group in the country. 12. Tom has sprouted a beard since we saw him last. 13. Tim has sprouted a beard since we last saw him. 14. We all sprouted up in these valleys of mirth. 15. Hair sprouted in damp, unexplored crevices. 16. She prayed so intensely, she sprouted facial hair. 17. Green grass sprouted from the mouldy, neglected thatched roofs. 18. Jim seemed to have sprouted a beard overnight. 19. His wizened face sprouted the long straggly wisps of a white mandarin mustache and beard. 20. The seeds sprouted and the fuchsia cuttings struck, and now the little red wellies look wonderful. 21. Massive bottom-up infrastructure sprouted all over the world in bits and pieces, proliferated, and a new paradigm was created. 22. They had sprouted from buried wood in the vegetable garden and sported livid blue-green, slimy caps. 23. Crumbling bollards sprouted from the broken pavement that surrounded several hundred square yards of murky water; warehouses hemmed in the dock. 24. The plants sprouted from some pinhead-sized dark seeds that Ernst Mayr had given me years ago. 25. Profuse amounts of grey and ginger hair sprouted from nose and ears. 26. I didn't discover the first snail or the first nettle that sprouted up on this planet. 27. She saved an old apple tree which the gale of 1987 had blown horizontal, but which sprouted again in the spring. 28. Within the past year, more than 10 ceramic painting studios have sprouted in the Los Angeles area. 29. Well meant as it may have been, one wonders what accusations would have sprouted had the Tory Party used similar methods. 30. It was as if every single cell in my body sprouted wings and started flying about inside wildly.