快好知 kuaihz

1. Male workers were made permanently sterile by this pesticide. 2. It is claimed that current levels of pesticide do not pose a threat to health. 3. The pesticide was spread over the vegetable plot. 4. Samples of the water contained pesticide. 5. This pesticide kills insects on contact . 6. The pesticide is lethal to all insect life. 7. Most farmers use pesticide sprays. 8. The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticide. 9. Traces of pesticide in the water were ten times above permissible levels. 10. DDT is a pesticide that was first synthesized in 1874. 11. Del Norte County pesticide storage area near Crescent City. 12. Even the polar ice contains pesticide, for example. 13. Attempts will be made to reduce pesticide use in water catchment areas. 14. Tyler recommended that pesticide tests be developed specially for hot countries. 15. The numbers of damaging insect species resistant to pesticide have multiplied from 160 to 450 since 1960. 16. If a pesticide has to be used,[/pesticide.html] a smaller dose may be adequate. 17. So, what exactly is going on in the pesticide world to reduce me to such grovelling gratitude? 18. The pesticide killed off weevils and other insects, leaving the army worm to multiply unchecked by its natural enemies. 19. Pesticide databases are now a feature across most field recording software packages. 20. Over the same period, pesticide use has decreased by 47 percent. 21. It is claimed that the new levels of pesticide do not pose a risk to health. 22. The tanker loosed 13,000 gallons of pesticide into the river. 23. It allows the rate of pesticide or liquid fertiliser to be varied as the sprayer moves through the crop. 24. In the last 50 years, there has been a 33-fold increase in the amount of pesticide used in farming. 25. The flea-infested room had to be sprayed with a strong pesticide. 26. Experts have described it as the worst case to date of pesticide contamination in Britain. 27. In other parts of the region, equipment to combat high pesticide levels will be installed by 1997. 28. All foods are organically grown, except when foods with pesticide residues are used for testing. 29. A nuisance to be squashed on a countertop or squirted with pesticide. 30. In the short term it proposes increased monitoring to ensure that the highest standards of pesticide use are maintained.