快好知 kuaihz

91, It's unclear how or when the mediator would react if a new pact isn't reached today. 92, She scooted out from behind the counter back to the kitchen, leaving Mitchell too stunned to react. 93, People are all so different. You can never tell how they will react. 94, Another clue is the tendency of chemicals to react together in combinations of exact numerical ratio. 95, Do you react by becoming rather subdued and leaving the protagonists to fight it out? 96, Cool foresight and a quick mind enabled him to react swiftly in an emergency. 97, When there are no chloride ions left in the specimen to react, the end-point is reached. 98, In sunlight, VOCs can react in the lower atmosphere with nitrogen oxides to generate photochemical smog. 99, Too stunned to react or notice whether his face was as casual and without regret as his words, I hiked on. 100, Would you so react to the particular situation which confronts us now, if you were not applying the standard mechanically? 101, It is important to understand that we are breaking a habit, for we have been conditioned to react in this way. 102, This responsiveness to body language also affects the way horses react to humans. 103, Then he could think of a way to react that would help him get what he wanted without getting him into trouble. 104, Some mares react badly and their reproductive cycles cease or are disrupted. 105, We do not initiate action; we react to a series of external stimuli. 106, But when the therapist starts to enquire how they react to the problems at home a difference in opinion may be revealed. 107, The Captain looks constantly from side to side, ready to react to anything suspicious. 108, They react with the water chemistry which causes the sample to change colour. 109, A number of these patients are very seriously ill and appear to react to almost every imaginable food and chemical. 110, Every morning the chemicals in your anti-perspirant react with your sweat to form a plug. 111, The effect is rather like being in a sensory deprivation tank, in that you can't move or react at all. 112, People react in various ways to the news that they have cancer. 113, The goalkeeper had to react quickly again to smother the dropped ball as Kevin Drinkell dashed in. 114, I think we miscalculated how people would react to the scene. 115, Two, that the label we put on something determines how we choose to react to it. 116, Even my highly regrettable tendency to react positively whenever the fridge door is opened was proof against that. 117, As a result, they do not merely react to external stimuli, they do not simply behave, they act. 118, Children themselves needed more visual encouragement to react to enable the book to compete with the attractions of video and television. 119, I only know that it was remarkable that he could react so swiftly and swoop down round the rabbit's ears. 120, How much time does a goalie have to react after a shot is taken?