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(181) When Frank began to spin me around, I spun on. (182) Spin the straw by placing it between the palms of your hands, rubbing them back and forth. (183) For a government supposedly obsessed by the dark arts, it can be singularly cack-handed at spin. (184) Spin called Rigby, formerly with the Shams, songwriter of the year. (185) Morris immediately began putting the best possible spin on his predicament. (186) Using the ailerons during the recovery, for example, may be the means of entering one of these other modes of spin. (187) The prime minister's spin doctors paid great attention to women's magazines during the run-up to the poll. (188) For the moment just note that electron spin provides a second example of a two-dimensional state vector space in quantum mechanics. (189) Cut loose from its eyes suddenly, the mind will rear up , spin, retreat. (190) Nixon lived long enough after his Watergate humiliation to put his own revisionist spin on his history. (191) I remember staggering to bed, but the room continued to spin, leaving me nauseated and frightened. (192) Most towns had a plant or two to spin locally produced cocoons into thread. (193) You might not think this is enough raw material to spin out over 345 hardback quarto pages, but why not? (194) Failure to do this is the only reason for a reversal of the spin from one direction to another. (195) For months, the spin doctors relied on the training imparted at such teaching hospitals as the Downing Street Policy Unit. (196) My job was to spin out the thread. (197) Kuroda's splitter downward movement with spin and not gravity. (198) Others spin around, causing left right reversals. (199) Almost every month I have to spin out money. (200) The world takes another little spin around. (201) Without doubt, prospective spin and spaceflight will be more close contact. (202) This soft drink is just a spin - off of their competitor's product. (203) On January 12 th Sir John's panel questioned Alastair Campbell, formerly the government's main spin doctor. (204) T. " The Earth takes 24 hours spin around once. " (205) Yet it has now changed its mind spin off TIM in order to reduce its debts. (206) Spin the bottle is a kissing game that has been popular in American culture. (207) Ghosts and other spirits often possess people in movies and make their heads spin around! (208) His title is director of communications but he is just a spin doctor. (209) If you spin around several times and stop suddenly, you will feel giddy. (210) What must be avoided are the kinds of misunderstandings spin out of control.