快好知 kuaihz

31, How do you normally dress for work? 32, He normally hung about the house all day. 33, Potatoes are normally sprayed after harvest. 34, The hotel did not normally provide room service. 35, The television was functioning normally until yesterday. 36, Normally such matters would not come to my notice. 37, The system seems to be working normally now. 38, Normally he performs his devotions twice a day. 39, They're making efforts to streamline their normally cumbersome bureaucracy. 40, Development is not normally permitted in conservation areas. 41, Her heart is beating normally. 42, The child is developing normally. 43, His brain seems to be functioning normally. 44, Normally,[http:///normally.html] I park behind the theatre. 45, I normally do all my shopping on Saturdays. 46, Normally the boat is crewed by five people. 47, The normally loquacious Mr O'Reilly has said little. 48, His normally imperturbable secretary burst into tears. 49, Ian isn't normally this garrulous! 50, Children's suncare products are normally water-resistant. 51, Water normally moves more slowly at shallower depths. 52, Where do you normally have your hair done? 53, The authorities say the prison is now functioning normally. 54, Just try to behave normally. 55, Forrest was normally mild-mannered, affable, and untalkative. 56, Is the phone working normally again? 57, Child custody is normally granted to the mother. 58, A spasm of pain crossed his normally tranquil features. 59, Normally, I plan one or two days ahead. 60, The bond market normally revives after the summer doldrums.