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  Jane Eyre is a classic handed down in the history of English literature. It successfully shaped the first female image in the history of English literature who took an independent and enterprising attitude towards love, life, society and religion and dared to struggle and strive for freedom and equality.

  Most women who like foreign literary works like to read Charlotte"s Jane Eyre. If we think Charlotte only wrote Jane Eyre for this lingering love. I think it"s wrong. The author is also a woman, living in the fluctuating Britain in the middle of the 19th century, when thought had a new beginning. This idea is the most permeated in Jane Eyre - women"s independent consciousness. Let"s imagine that if Jane Eyre"s independence had been strangled in her childhood; If she did not have that independence, she would have lived with Rochester with a wife and daughter and began a new life with money and status; If she does not have that purity, Jane Eyre in our hands is no longer a moving classic of tears. Therefore, I began to think about why Jane Eyre moved us and couldn"t put it down - that is, her independent character and exciting personality charm Helen"s transcendence is beyond the reach and understanding of ordinary people. Including Jane Eyre.

  Although Helen"s life in the world was short, it gave off a dazzling light like a meteor. The life of a seagoing ship is as glorious and tragic as a sunset. It is a noble beauty, an open-minded beauty, a magnificent beauty and a beautiful song and cry.

  I still remember waking up in that dream and trying to collect all the words and descriptions about Helen. Somehow, there was a reluctance to her death. I was gratified to find a detail that I had ignored. The book described it as "there is such a Latin word on Helen"s tombstone, Resurgam, which means I will be reborn".

  A melancholy and heartfelt sadness was finally relieved. I am happy and relieved. Isn"t "Resurgam" a symbol of Helen"s noble spirit forever?I think this is also the best interpretation of Helen "s death.

  eople, not because they are beautiful and lovely, but because they are lovely and beautiful. They like Jane Eyre. The most important thing is the description of love in the book. Without any explicit, vulgar and pornographic depiction, what appears in front of readers is a touching and supreme love.She always thought she was plain, low, poor and insignificant. She only deserved to live a plain and bitter life. Like wild flowers and weeds, no one appreciated, picked and died by herself. But I didn"t expect a fiery love between her and her master. At first she buried her love deeply in her heart. During tea, lunch and evening walk, she tried to be calm as if nothing had happened, but when she was alone, she opened the gate of memory, and their scenes were clearly reproduced, intoxicated with deep happiness. She repeatedly tested the marriage between Mr. Rochester and Miss Ingram, and Mr. Rochester pretended to be close to Miss Ingram. They test each other and examine each People, not because they are beautiful and lovely, but because they are lovely and beautiful. They like Jane Eyre. The most important thing is the description of love in the book. Without any explicit, vulgar and pornographic depiction, what appears in front of readers is a touching and supreme love.

  he always thought she was plain, low, poor and insignificant. She only deserved to live a plain and bitter life. Like wild flowers and weeds, no one appreciated, picked and died by herself. But I didn"t expect a fiery love between her and her master. At first she buried her love deeply in her heart. During tea, lunch and evening walk, she tried to be calm as if nothing had happened, but when she was alone, she opened the gate of memory, and their scenes were clearly reproduced, intoxicated with deep happiness. She repeatedly tested the marriage between Mr. Rochester and Miss Ingram, and Mr. Rochester pretended to be close to Miss Ingram. They test each other and examine each other. In fact, they have already been integrated in their hearts. Mr. Rochester"s love for Jane: "I sometimes have a strange feeling about you - especially now, when you are close to me, there seems to be a string under my left rib that is similar to a string in the same place as your little body, which is tied tightly and can"t be solved. If the turbulent Strait and 200 miles of land separate us far away, At that time, My heart will bleed " "For women who please me only by their looks, when I find that they have neither soul nor conscience - when they show me mediocrity, shallowness, and perhaps low energy, vulgarity and irritability, I am completely a devil; but for bright eyes, eloquent tongue, fire soul and soft and stable, docile and firm, pliable and unbreakable character, I am always gentle and faithful. "This remark moved Jane and readers.

  It should have been plain sailing to get married and have children, but it ran aground due to a sudden change. When Mr. Rochester"s crazy ex-wife appeared, Jane left for her self-esteem and loyalty to love. Later, his crazy wife burned everything and jumped out of a building to die; Mr. Rochester was blinded by the collapsed beam to save the crazy woman. Lonely and secluded in the cabin in the forest…… At this time, Jane came to him again. It seemed that after meeting for centuries, without language and passion like fire, they hugged each other tightly and calmly walked to the cabin.Jane Eyre takes Jane Eyre"s character as the context, and this ending serves Jane"s character orientation. But what about Rochester? Did Mr. Rochester not have the self-esteem and inferiority that Jane had before? Is it so easy for him to start a new happy life with Jane on the ruins of arson?

  The writer ignores Mr. Rochester"s authenticity or struggle. This is actually very easy to understand. It is nothing more than to complete the continuation of a pure love. If every eccentric personality keeps making trouble in turn, where will life leave love, only quarrels.Make outstanding as Charlotte? Bronte"s female writer is still a woman. Whenever a woman writes a novel, she can"t escape the weakness of its happy snake foot ending, whether it can be established or not.

  Readers like this ending, because life needs a bright existence.

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 满满的都是泪,可是我爱你,我还是坚持把和你的故事写出来,那个我想问你,这就是你给我的美好的回忆吗,那是20xx年9月14号一个晚上。  我在朋友空间里加上了你...(展开)



 你还好吗?一句简短的问候,饱含了多少温暖,蕴涵了多少深情,激起了多少感动,流露着多少关爱,它胜过了千言万语!  你还好吗?你是谁?你是生我养我的父母,你是我多...(展开)