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Chen Gong: Premier Li Keqiangs Nose vs. EPA’s equipment

When asked about the pungent odor in the air during his visit to the site of the Tianjin 8/12 blasts, the staff explained to Premier Li Keqiang that the odor came from chloride and chlorobenzene substances and claimed that the monitoring results showed that currently these substances are within the normal range. It is obvious that the results furnished by the monitoring department of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is not convincing. Anbound"s chief researcher, Chen Gong claims that it is usual for the subordinate in governmental departments to answer the superior’s question speciously. In the event that the data selection was incorrect and the data analysis was not conducted systematically, then the "data’ proving the so called normal air quality level might well be the ‘liar’ in the aftermath of Tianjin blasts.

搜索建议:equipment  equipment词条  Keqiangs  Keqiangs词条  Premier  Premier词条  Chen  Chen词条  Gong  Gong词条  








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