快好知 kuaihz

1 Schmidt finished second, losing by a whisker in the final event. 2 Schmidt continued to expound his views on economics and politics. 3 Schmidt defeated his compatriot Hausmann in the quarter final. 4 I wish I'd had the eloquence of Helmut Schmidt. 5 Herr Schmidt is certainly the most odious man I have ever met. 6 Under Adenauer and Schmidt it realized its full potential. 7 Schmidt hunched his shoulders and gobbled like a turkey. 8 Schmidt laboured behind her; she could hear his grunts of effort. 9 The FBI confronted Schmidt with the evidence of his part in the murder plot. 10 She met Schmidt while serving time in prison for drug possession. 11 But that was what Schmidt was paying him nine thousand marks for. Attention to detail. 12 He didn't spare Schmidt a glance; his eyes held Culley's, waiting for the glint that betrays sudden movement. 13 Learning from Schmidt: For 10 years, Dave Schmidt pitched in the major leagues. 14 Schmidt said Bertelsmann was continuing to seek the support of other music companies in remaking Napster. 15 We're pleased to announce that Mr. Schmidt will be taking over as Executive Director. 16 Konstantin Schmidt von Knobelsdorf was undoubtedly a most forceful personality. 17 A contemporary picture portrays Schmidt as a tall well-built man, full bearded, in jerkin and knee-length hose. 18 Uli Schmidt is certainly the best hooker in the game and Andre Joubert is almost certainly the best full-back. 19 When Schmidt tapped the chauffeur's arm, the man pressed a button that raised a glass panel at his back. 20 The health ministry went to Ulla Schmidt, a deputy leader of the Social Democrat group in parliament. 21 Ian Schmidt, Object Design's product marketing director, says the software will be sold jointly by the companies. 22 Schmidt was a German expatriate who had been living in Portugal since 1989. 23 He is Dieter Schmidt and his secret recipe keeps him awake for the 20-hour flights. 24 He is succeeded by Helmut Schmidt. 25 Fraulein Maria, I'm Frau Schmidt, the housekeeper. 26 Walter Schmidt is with the Agriculture Agricultural Research Service, part of the United States Agriculture Department. 27 To this day, readers such as Helmut Schmidt, chancellor of West Germany from 1974 to 1982, agree. 28 Apple said it and Mr. Schmidt had reached the decision mutually. 29 This paper introduces a Grain - Schmidt cascade orthogonalization preprocessor decor - relating the received signals in adaptive array. 30 The schnapps was poured, the glasses dispensed, and Frau Schmidt sent simpering back to the kitchen.