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1. Objective:To study the chemical constituents of Ligularia vellerea . 2. Objective: To extract and isolate sesquiterpene compounds from Ligularia veitchiana rhizomes and explore their medicinal value. 3. Ligularia Cass with a wide range of medical value is distributed widely and a series of studies is carried out by scholars both at home and abroad. 4. A survey of studies on the resources of medicinal plant in the genus Ligularia (Compositae). 5. To study the contents of trace elements and vitamins in wild and cultural Ligularia fischeri and its tender stem at Changbai mountain region. 6. The terpenoid glycosides are major chemical constituents of the Ligularia fischeri, in addition that monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, peptides et al. 7. Objective To study the chemical constituents of the roots of Ligularia stenocephala. 8. Aim To detect the hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids ( HPA ) in the genus Ligularia Cass. 9. We use L. virgaurea, one of the species in Ligularia Cass, and research the intra-inflorescence variation in flowers and seeds by sampling and investigate in field.