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shortcut key造句
1, F1 is the shortcut key for calling up help. 2, I set up a shortcut key. 3, A shortcut key or a name for the macro is required before recording. 4, Will the shortcut key is not in the form of the file to a folder? 5, Use the following shortcut key combinations while you work in the Object Browser window. 6, To move from one open application to another you must designate a Shortcut key combination when adding the program to the group. 7, Support physical keyboard operation for all application functions by shortcut key. 8, Demonstrates how to bind a command to a single shortcut key. 9, In the list, select the command you want to assign to a shortcut key combination. 10, To assign a keystroke to the selected button, type the shortcut key combination in the box. 11, Activate Panther Battlegroup upgrade on HQ now has a shortcut key.