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gas lamp造句
1, The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting. 2, An old-fashioned gas lamp hung from the ceiling. 3, A gas lamp gave out a pale yellowish light. 4, The gas lamp hissed gently. 5, The gas lamp flickered and spluttered above him, sending moving shadows across the walls. 6, In the light of the yellow gas lamp there was neither day nor night. 7, The gas lamp blew out. 8, An old gas lamp hung from the ceiling. 9, A hissing gas lamp suspended from the ceiling cast a dull light. 10, HID Xenon gas lamp must operate under constant power supplying. Normally it is realized with power error detecting loop. 11, Strong exhaust devices improve and gas lamp parts and long service life. 12, He sat back in the armchair and watched the smoke drifting upwards from his pipe towards the gas lamp. 13, Down in the dark and foggy street a figure stood waiting beneath a lighted gas lamp. 14, The fire crackled in the grate, its light competing with that of the little gas lamp. 15, Capshaw got up and turned the valve on the gas lamp. 16, The roof of the tent begins to glow, like the mantle of a gas lamp turned up very slowly. 17, In addition, there are no flames in microwave heating as that in ordinary gas lamp, which can reduce the danger in lab. 18, Many kinds of illumination methods, such as torch, oil lamp, candle, kerosene lamp, gas lamp, electric light, and so on, have been applied in the human history. 19, White-light is the lighting source of black and white camera and color camera, and it can substitute such traditional sources as incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp and high-pressure gas lamp. 20, If you are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove and a gas lamp. You only have one match, so what do you light first? 21, Entering a dark house with matches in your hand, there are a gas lamp and a candle, which will you light first?