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(1) The logout message is a destroy message. (2) Logout of the admin console (Figure 20). (3) Logout of the administration console. (4) You can tailor the login and logout behavior. (5) In VAX / VMS, issuing the DCL command LOGOUT, which informs the operating system that user has finished using a particular terminal. (6) Save your changes, logout from the Adminstration console and stop the server. (7) The firms can logout the shares or hold them as the treasury stock after repurchase. But these shares can't participate in calculation return per share and distribution proceeds. (8) You can also provide virtual portal-specific login, error, logout, and self-enrollment "pages". (9) Logout and then log back on to the Organization Administration console using the site administrator user. (10) LPF operates when a logout request comes from a client. (11) Once you have a working login and logout framework, it's extremely easy to restrict access to certain actions. (12) The script can still handle explicit logout requests, and building and returning the appropriate instance information, so links on the individual pages will still work. (13) It identifies the logout request from the URL invoked by the client. (14) In the case of a log-out, the session logger logs the reason for the logout (for example, timed out) as the URI parameter. (15) The only data returned to the stress programs is the logout page. (16) This workload scenario can be expanded later to include other functions by just inserting other test modules between the login and logout. (17) If you try to reorder the purchase message to place it after the logout message, this is not correct because the onlineStore no longer exists at that point. (18) At this point, you have a working login and logout system. (19) The target of the different deployment approaches is to provide a controlled mechanism to call both login and logout methods. (20) The SAP scenario, for example, should always include a login and a logout test. (21) When recording a test, always return to the main screen or page at the end of each scenario or before a logout. (22) Suppose you inadvertently leave these tickets on the workstation when you logout. (23) Any Changes in this section are temporary, for what-if analysis purposes, and discarded after logout. (24) Regardless of whether your application's access control will be based on passwords or roles, you'll still need a login and logout system to handle user authentication. (25) You can see that LPF takes two parameters in its constructor: the logout success URL (/logoutSuccess.jsp) and a list of handlers. (26) Therefore, once the basic application has been created, the next step is to implement login and logout actions.