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whirling dervish造句
1. The children were spinning around like whirling dervishes. 2. He threw himself around the stage like a whirling dervish. 3. These creatures weren't children - they were whirling dervishes! 4. Soon he is digging like a whirling dervish, the impressive show ending with another frantic leap. 5. The whirling dervishes, though often the face of Sufism in the West, represent only one school. 6. He is a whirling dervish of ideas who inspires hope and fear. 7. He a whirling dervish of ideas who inspires hope and fear. 9. The Hedgehog was actually a group of whirling dervish sort of bombs fired ahead of the attacking ship. 10. From the moment she rises at 7 a. m. in the Sunset Boulevard home she shares with her husband, she's a fidgety, demanding, chattering whirling dervish of a task Juggler. 11. It certainly doesn't hurt that Liverpool also picked up the whirling dervish otherwise known as Luis Suarez.