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music director造句
1. He will be giving his farewell concert as Music Director of the Ulster Orchestra. 2. It was also opposed by music director Yoav Talmi, who threatened to resign if any orchestra members were fired. 3. My music director of marketing Network Beijing Bai Jie, told reporters yesterday. 4. Network music director, as Liu Hong , vice president of this newspaper that. 5. He was a priest and later (1709) music director at a school for foundling girls, the Seminario dell'Ospitale della Pieta. 6. Network music director , as vice president Liu Hong said. 7. The Orchestra is currently searching for a successor to music director James Sedares. 8. Yo - yo Ma plays Haydn with HK Philharmonic and its music director Samuel Wong. 9. And in China, the fact that authorities were trying to put one over on the viewers was somewhat undercut when Chen, the music director, disclosed the switch in an interview on Beijing Radio. 10. This season marks Seiji Ozawa's 25 th anniversary as Music Director. 11. Representatives from over 50 countries attend, and according to the Eisteddfod 's Music Director, Roy Bohana, the event is a major contest. 12. At Opera North he will be in harness with Paul Daniel, the conductor appointed music director last year. 13. “In reality I think there are only 11 or 12, which isn’t that many, ” said Andrew Leiman, a Cabot House senior and music director of the Harvard Krokodiloes, Harvard’s longest-running group. 14. The Hong Kong Institute of Education Handbell Ensemble has been established by, Zerlina Wong W. C. , the music director and founder since 2001.