快好知 kuaihz

sentence pattern造句
1. Little kids love this sentence pattern. 2. This is a useful speech making sentence pattern. 3. We are analyzing the sentence pattern of this sentence. 4. The sentence is fastidious concisely, the sentence pattern has the change, key prominent. 5. Teaching requirement: Master the learned vocabulary, basic sentence pattern and grammar, and can use that to make piratical sentence, passage. Can read and translate fluently and accurately. 6. English sentences with inanimate subjects are a typical sentence pattern in formal written English. 7. Now it's your turn to practice this sentence pattern in groups of four. 8. The verb predicate sentence pattern of Huian dialect is quite complicated with its own characteristics. 9. To comprehend this sentence pattern perfectly, one should have a clear demarkation among the easily confusing conceptions of imperative sentence, elliptic sentence and so on. 10. Note : A good sentence pattern. Sounds thoughtful and honest. Use it when you speaking your mind. 11. This is the easiest and most useful sentence pattern to master. 12. Unit 9 Sentence pattern: Can you color the circle? Yes! It's a red circle. 13. Sentence pattern : Make a bug with four eyes and three antennae. 14. Serial verb construction is the unique sentence pattern in Chinese, and the serial verb construction of serial action is the most typical one in serial verb construction. 15. Teacher reviews the words the sentence pattern, and the chant that students have learned in class. 16. Note : Americans often make excuses with this sentence pattern. 17. A natural language sentence can be transformed into a word tag string or a sentence pattern. 18. The fifth chapter describes the using frequency of You sentence pattern exist in different text styles and its pragmatical function. 19. Have students sing the song of this lesson to practice the sentence pattern. Students sing the songs group by group. 20. Applied to elemental analytic method and based on cognitive frame[/sentence pattern.html], this thesis wholly analyses this sentence pattern via boundedness and unboundedness theory. 21. In this thesis , subject - subject - predicate ( ss - s - p ) specially refers to the sentence pattern possessing a predicateaa predicate. 22. There are many ways to vary the basic English sentence pattern of subject - verb - object.