快好知 kuaihz

1 Prior to 1916 Paul-Yves's life was anchored by the rock-like presence of a reassuring father figure, dominant, capable, sure. 2 He had, too, the rock-like character and physical courage of Chesterton's priest. 3 Coral reefs are rocklike structures built by layers of coral organisms, called polyps. 4 Compared with the impulsive and irrepressible Ellet, he was rocklike. 5 By itself the light can only be compared to a solid, dense, rocklike , homogeneous and changeless mass of pure awareness, free from the mental patterns of name and shape. 6 Life is everywhere, in every foot of frozen soil, in every rocklike yard of solid ground – life in the endless variety of its natural forms. 7 The Soviet Government had created among all people within their areas a rocklike solidarity.