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attribute name造句
1 Returns the attribute name as a String. 2 The attribute name - value mappings. 3 You have entered an invalid attribute name. 4 The specified extended attribute name was invalid. 5 The entity attribute name you have chosen is already being used in this operation. 6 Enter customerId as the attribute name and accept the default String type. 7 Namespaces create element and attribute name uniqueness in an XML document. 8 Binds an object to a given attribute name in this servlet context. 9 Associates the specified value with the specified attribute name, specified as a String. 10 An explicit attribute name need not be specified if the attribute value is a column reference, in which case the column's name will be used as attribute name by default. 11 Validates the attribute name, namespace URI, and value in the current element context. 12 EmployeeSearchResults is the session attribute name, where the rows of records are stored for table display. 13 For example, perhaps you do not simply want to compare the attribute name to a string pattern, but actually look up whether the name is an attribute that has been stored in a persistent database.