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twilight zone造句
1. They lived in the twilight zone on the fringes of society. 2. Wrestling is in a twilight zone between sport and entertainment. 3. They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees. 4. It was strictly the twilight zone. 5. It's like the twilight zone, as if you're travelling back to the depression of the 1930s. 6. There's a two-hour Twilight Zone special to celebrate its silver anniversary. 7. Ashanti are Ireland's latest voyagers into this strange twilight zone. 8. Why is there a large twilight zone in Glasgow - the area where many buildings are being demolished and new ones erected? 9. Now, we're in the Twilight Zone, where the sun never shines. Inhabitants include some exotic eels and a giant spider crab... 10. Somewhere in the twilight zone the evidential force of the principle must be recognized. 11. What's the name of the Twilight Zone where the astronauts meet the giant lady? 12. These secret agents occupy a twilight zone between legality and illegality. 13. Remember that old television series " The Twilight Zone "? 14. Check your preconceptions at the door, for you are entering the twilight zone. 15. I finally conked out at around four, in the middle of a Twilight Zone rerun. 15.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 16. In the US and Europe, nutraceuticals exist in a regulatory twilight zone. 17. It's funny driving into Taiji. It's kind of like The Twilight Zone. 18. The effect of the court's new departure was to create a twilight zone of authority. 19. Macau has the feeling of a ghost town or something out of a twilight zone episode.