快好知 kuaihz

1. He's always been faddy about his food. 2. Jackie's a terribly faddy eater. 3. My boys have always been faddy eaters. 4. I was a really faddy eater when I was young. 5. She's certainly not a faddy eater! 6. Dieticians welcomed the move away from faddy eating habits. 7. Boh Runga: Fashion is fickle and faddy. 8. And then there are oh-so-silly faddy dieters and women who won't eat in front of their new partners. 9. Faddy short messages refer to those short literal messages which have a high frequency of copy, a fast speed of popularity, a vast area of spreading and a great power of influence. 10. Apple's business model seems to rest precariously on faddy customers' tastes. 11. Most kids will go through a phase of being faddy about what they eat. 12. GIS said their research had shown that Britons were moving away from what it described as " faddy diets" like Atkins and going back to basics. 13. Due to the faddish value is excessively pursued in the faddy society, it has brought strict eco-problems and social problems.