快好知 kuaihz

1. More and more criminals will agree to plea-bargain. 2. Others, including Betsy Kelly, eventually plea-bargained, while steadfastly proclaiming their innocence. 3. The author will take the transplanting to plea-bargain as a tropical case to study and tell us which difficulty we will meet when transplanting. 4. The new government also wants approval of a law to protect witnesses and to encourage plea-bargaining. 5. This was an obvious attempt to secure his silence in return for a plea-bargain and suspended sentence on the passport charge. 6. Traditional rape laws, therefore, also involve some sort of gradation and may well encourage plea-bargaining. 7. Judges and lawyers expect chaos in the courts if Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson sticks to his guns and refuses to plea-bargain felony indictments, ... 8. But last week they were released in a sudden, stunning plea-bargain.