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smoke alarm造句
1 The smoke alarm went off. 2 They fitted a smoke alarm to the ceiling. 3 You should check that the smoke alarm is working properly. 4 There are two basic types of smoke alarm. 5 He didn't have a smoke alarm. 6 Everyone got out safely,[www.] no thanks to the smoke alarm - its batteries were dead. 7 The couple say that their smoke alarm, provided by the council, wasn't working. 8 One smoke alarm may be enough if you live in a mobile home or a small bungalow. 9 You should check that smoke alarm is working properly. 10 Put a smoke alarm in the house. 11 They had a working smoke alarm which gave them early warning of the fire. 12 A proper working smoke alarm and an evacuation plan equals a safer escape. 13 Over the loud buzzing of the smoke alarm, I asked them to identify the sound. 14 Look, I even installed smoke alarm. B : What was the purpose of that? 15 A : Look, I even installed smoke alarm. B : What was the purpose of that? 16 Big French company look for smoke alarm supllier with full test reports available. 17 I fitted smoke alarm so that we could have plenty of warning a fire. 18 Smoke from a cigarette will not normally set off a smoke alarm. 19 The fire brigade recommends that every house is fitted with a smoke alarm. 20 Smoking a cigarette will not normally set off a smoke alarm. 21 If possible read the manufacturer's information and instructions before you buy a smoke alarm. 22 It pays to be prepared - and the Sleep-safe Smoke Alarm can help that preparation at no cost to you! 23 Gorbachev's warning to Honecker not to postpone the necessary reforms was a smoke alarm soon drowned by the blaze. 24 As soon as the man lit a cigarette the smoke alarm went off. 25 Adding insult to injury is the grill setting off the smoke alarm on the first use. 26 "The premise of a lie detector is that a smoke alarm goes off in the brain when we lie because we're doing something wrong," explains Saxe.