快好知 kuaihz

1. Transmission by sharing unsterilized needles is easy to understand. 2. If you go fertilizing with unsterilized bonemeal, for instance, hold your breath; the stuff can be crawling with anthrax germs. 3. The instruments are often unsterilized knives or razor blades. 4. This would have to be an "unsterilized" adjustment, to use the rather strange terminology common today. 5. Whenever unsterilized foreign material penetrates a wound, microorganisms will certainly be introduced. 6. The response surface method was used to optimize the culture medium for anti-fungus compound produced by Streptomyces 702 under unsterilized condition. 8. He also knew of cases that followed the reuse of unsterilized syringes and needles in the treatment of diabetes or venereal disease, instruments that could contain particles of blood. 9. Worldwide, most infections occur from infected mother to child, from child to child contact in household settings, and from reuse of unsterilized needles and syringes. 10. S. blood supply is carefully tested. However, you can spread the disease from having unprotected sex, sharing needles, or getting a tattoo from unsterilized equipment. 11. The fruiting quantity of L. edodes cultivated with the unsterilized mixed material was more with smaller fruitbody, and that with the unsterilized sawdust was relatively less with bigger fruitbody. 12. Worldwide, most infections occur from mother-to-child, from child-to-child (especially in household settings), and from reuse of unsterilized needles and syringes.