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bank credit card造句
1. Sales vouchers for payment made by the bank credit cards such as Access and Barclaycard are treated as cash. 2. Many large retailers accept national or local bank credit cards in addition to offering their own plans. 3. Bank credit card vouchers and traveller's cheques and foreign currencies are entered on separate paying-in slips. 4. Men tend to use bank credit cards, bank loans or overdrafts more than women do. 5. If you really need, select such a bank credit card. 6. These service fees should be debited to Bank Credit Card Expense. 7. Recently, bank credit card market is developing rapidly, the circulation of bank credit cards are expanding constantly, but at the same time credit risk also becomes more prominent. 8. Annual fee: Bank credit card fee is 50 yuan per card, strokes trip is 100 yuan. 9. Remark: EBS service supports many UnionPay networking bank credit card and debit cards. 10. I want to apply for hangzhou China merchants bank credit card. Have the door? 11. This compares with about £560 million in 1970, when bank credit cards had barely started. 12. The above figures do not include bank loans, or bank credit cards. 13. As might be expected, possession of a bank account is a virtually indispensable passport to bank credit card use. 14. They are more likely to use ordinary store accounts and bank credit cards. 15. In her view, is a kind of credit card sales market, the promulgation of the current legal system, bank credit card sales order has a set of detailed specifications .