快好知 kuaihz

1. Morphology of HSV-1 was identified by inverted microscope. 2. Objective: To analyse the gene response between hsv-1 and human fibroblast (KMB- 17). 3. Infection with HSV-1, the herpes virus that causes cold sores, does not make a person shed HSV-2 more or less often. 4. That will reduce most spread of HSV-1, although you may not be able to entirely reduce the possibility of spread. 5. They are caused by the herpes simplex type I virus (HSV-1), which affects the oral area more than HSV-2, which targets the genitals. 6. Specifically they looked at the HSV-1 region, which changes fast enough to potentially resolve recent ancestries . 7. Methods:Cytotoxity of acyclovir(ACV)on Vero cell and antiviral activity of ACV on herpes simplex virus type 1(HSV-1)in vitro were detected using two methods. 8. Oral sex can lead to HSV-1 infection of the partner's genitals. 9. Participants were also tested for herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), which causes most cold sores. 10. Other times, HSV-1 can target wounds in other parts of the body. 11. HSV-1 particles are 'displayed' on the surface of infected cells, enabling the natural killer T cells to distinguish between infected and uninfected cells. 12. HSV-1 UL25 gene product is an essential capsid protein which locates on the external surface of virus capsid near the vertices. 13. Because HSV-1 can also live in saliva, sharing kitchen utensils or drinking glasses can also allow infection. 14. So, despite the fact that most adult Americans either have HSV-1 or 2, or are at very high risk of contracting it in their lifetime, not enough is being done to stop the pathogen. 15. More than half of us have been infected with the HSV-1 virus, usually from well-meaning kisses from relatives or romantic partners. 16. Effects of CC and ACV on latent HSV in trigeminal ganglia were studied by reactivated HSV-1 model in vitro. 17. Quantitative real-time PCR of the infective supernatant further confirmed that the GLP blocked HSV-1 infection at early stages of the infection. 18. Objective To study the effects of 17997 on the HSV-1 DNA and protein synthesis. 19. The results of preliminary bioassay show that some of the target compounds have good in vitro activity against HSV-1 and excellent fungicidal activity.