快好知 kuaihz

1. But it ought not be done cavalierly. 2. Therefore, don't cavalierly refused a seemingly low salary job. 3. Allies can be treated so cavalierly . 4. He treated his staff cavalierly. 5. She and her popular troika of friends cavalierly treat the lesser students like dirt because they can. 6. Recently, Russia has talked cavalierly about installing such missiles in its Kaliningrad enclave bordering Poland and Lithuania. 7. Countries that are cavalierly lumped together as emerging markets have very different political regimes. 8. He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 9. They did not do it cavalierly , and they did not do it frivolously, and they believe they had a connective logic, and a tissue to get them to their judgments. 10. But many doctors prescribe the drugs far too cavalierly, Dr. Jenkins said. 11. It was just last week I so cavalierly wrote them off as a fluke and the likely team to slip out of the playoff picture in the rugged Western Conference. 12. Now ask yourself, how cavalierly would you treat a check written to your agency for $9000? 13. The movie talks about nuclear war very cavalierly and shows an American president utilizing the horrible judgment of making a Nazi physicist his scientific advisor. 14. Today, people easily cross the Atlantic Ocean by plane and cavalierly refer to the great body of water as "the pond." 15. Election campaigns use "a new direction" as a synonym for improvement. Persistence is rarely rewarded, and what one legislature or president decrees, a successor cavalierly repeals. 16. We overthrew Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq, and then cavalierly dismantled the entire structure of the Iraqi state, sure that we could simply set up a new one.