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bland diet造句
1 He ate a bland diet because of his colitis. 2 a rather bland diet of soup, fish and bread. 3 Treatment involves a short fast and then a Bland diet , sedatives and antispasmodics. 4 Treatment involves a short FAST and then a bland diet, sedatives, and antispasmodics. 5 Ordered curry as a departure from his usual bland diet. 6 His devotees, a pale and sickly-looking lot, swore that they had gained weight and strength on the bland diet. 7 Gastritis diet should be light in principle, based on the gastric mucosa to stimulate small, but not bland diet can ease the patient's symptoms. 8 For the occasional bout of diarrhea, adding some canned pumpkin and probiotics to the food and feeding a bland diet for several meals may be all that is required.